Exploring the Inca Empire - LOH #116


One trip that I have always wanted to do and that has been on my bucket list for a long time is Machu Picchu. It must be amazing to see the remains of this Inca city. Not for nothing is it considered one of the new 7 wonders of the world. The Inca Empire was the largest and most powerful in South America in pre-Columbian times.

For years I have wanted to go to Machu Picchu, but it is an expensive destination to visit, however as this is a dream trip, let's go there.

We will be making the trip in the summer, as I hope my son can join us on this adventure. We will meet in Lima, the capital of Peru. And from there we will take a flight to Cuzco.

Cuzco was the capital of the Inca Empire and is full of history from colonial times. On our adventure, we would stay 3 days in Cuzco to explore the city, but also to get used to the altitude. The city is 3,400 meters above sea level and it is common for visitors to suffer from altitude sickness or soroche as it is known locally.

Since budget is not a problem and the husband and I are not so young anymore and our physical condition can take its toll, we will go to Machupicchu the most comfortable way, but I have also read that it is the most expensive. We will take a train to the town of Aguas Calientes, where we will spend the night in an inn. And the next day, we will be ready for our adventure to visit Machu Picchu.

As we do not want to get tired before arriving, we will take a bus from the village to the entrance of the citadel. And there we will explore the place. The day will ideally be clear, and we will be able to take some beautiful pictures as a souvenir of our adventure.

This is my answer this week to @ifarmgirl's Ladies of Hive contest #116 question.

1️⃣ If you are to take a trip this year to another place or country that you've never been to before, where would you go and what will you be doing there?

A trip is enjoyable from the planning stage, and who knows, it may not be in 2023, but someday I may be able to make this a reality.

I invite @fantagira to join the Community.

Thank you for reading

All writings are my own unless otherwise stated.

Images Credits:
Photo by José de Azpiazu on Unsplash
Photo by Robert Rusell on Unsplash
and Edited by me for the Collage in Canva

© CoquiCoin

January 14, 2023

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