Undecided gift-Loh community contest 172

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Hello beautiful ladies, I want to use this medium to appreciate our judge for this week's contest @meraki7578 for the heads up you're the best 🤗. I would have loved to talk about other heartwarming experiences, but that particular will bring more tears than Joy. Sharing love or showing love to someone doesn't have to be only on Valentine's Day, though Valentine's Day are day to show love to people, and so are Christmas and New Year. Showing love simply means going out of your way to reach out to people either through gifts, good messages, phone calls, etc. I haven't received anything gift because on Valentine's Day, yes never never, my husband is not a Valentine's person but he gives me gifts on special occasions. Throughout this week I received orders from my customers saying they wanted to get their loved one's Valentine's gift, I must service my customers. I have always wanted a Valentine's gift, I just wanted to know how it feels to get one. So I have decided to give my husband a Valentine's gift but I don't know what I want to give yet am still thinking about it, it might not come on Valentine's days but after. During the day my husband reminded me of a particular underwear I got for him about 3 years ago, he wears one today and showed it to me, I was happy he appreciates the underwear even though they're old now. That is the main reason I want to give him a gift for Valentine's, so he will know i love and appreciate all he does for me and my baby girl.
**Thank you for visiting my Page **

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