Ladie of Hive Community contest #1- If I had...

So I'd like to say hi to all of you amazing, extraordinary, wonderful, kind, compassionate women who are helping the #Hive rise and the Ladies of Hive community flourish and prosper.

So for the very first contest created by the lovely ladies of hive team here z@hive-124452,@silversaver888, @thekittygirl, @kerrislravenhill, @dfinney, @battleaxe, @hetty-rowan, @brittandjosie, @elizabethbit, @melinda010100, I would like to participate in this new contest and share my thoughts with you.


I would also love to invite my old new friends @PixiePost, @LisaMGentile and @IAmRainCrystal, from the #IAmAliveChallenge community, @sreypov from the #Aseanhive community, @sirenahippie from the #NaturalMedicine community and my new friend @snook who I met today on #3speak to join this wonderful community full of kindness and caring too, because it about A community that focuses on women- their interests, joys, passions, and share stories of their journey in life.

The mission of the LOH community is to empower and encourage female/feminine/femme-identifying voices on Hive. We are here to support, uplift, and learn from one another. We believe female voices and ideas should find equal representation in all corners of the blockchain. This is an inclusive space and we welcome all who also support this vision.

And for more information on this community and this contest, please click on this link here or the banner below to join in the fun and friendship. @ladiesofhive/ladies-of-hive-community-contest-1

So some tough choices there in those 3 simple questions. Which one to answer?
What was the last thing you used in the house?
Where did you meet your significant other?
If you would get 100 dollars now, what would be the first thing you would do with that amount?

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Well there's is pretty much one main thing that I use in my house- all day every day for the past 7 months of lockdown and here I am now, using it again, and that is my beloved old Imac computer that was given to me a couple of years ago and she is now entering her 12th year, so she slowing down a bit (a lot...), but still is she a wonderful, strong and supportive lady, but she desrves to slow down and enjoy life sufing ebing on #Hive with me, not pushing herself to the limits editing on the Adobe suite for me...

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And no Question #2...Well I had 2 of them once and they're both gone (ok so maybe one was my cat Chad and as I told mum back then, I would be terribly sad if I broke up with my now ex- Teatapo, but absolutely FREAKIN DEVASTATED when Chad dies...), so when I find my next one, you'll hear me singing this happy answer from the rooftops!

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So I really would like to talk about #3- If you would get 100 dollars now, what would be the first thing you would do with that amount?Well, as much as I would love to put that towards saving for a new computer that can handle the heavy work load that I put on her, $100 USD, which is equivalent to about $140-ish AUD, would make a difference, especially since I got laid of my job 7 months ago due to the pandemic.

However, I know that there are so many people out there in the world- infact so many people here on the hive which really need that $100 far more than I do, to simply survive.

To eat, To be able to drink fresh water, to do so many things to live- to survive in a way that most westerners couldn't even imagine.

And I know that that $100 USD
converted into Nigerian Naira is worth about 38200.90,
converted into the Zimbabwean-ZWD is about 36190.00,
converted into the Venezualen- VEF is 998.65,
converted into the Tanzanian -TZS is about 231980.80,
Thai THB is about 3155.46,
Surinames- SRD is about 1415.26,
and the Ugandan-UGX is wow... 370360.00
and the Argentine Peso is about 7695.25
and the BDT- Bangladeshi is about 8471.49.

So with that $100USD/ $140AUD I would do only what I could and should do, what is sensible and logical, practical and right and I would donate is as evenly as possible to all of the ladies in the LOH community that live in these countries so they could buy food and ladies 'supplies' to last them for as long as possible And if there was anything left over, I would encourage them to invest it in whatever they could- whether that be a gardens, a fruit tree, or a beehive, something to help them help their lives become more sustainable and a little bit easier.

Because as most of us know, coming from Western Countries, the money in the hands of those ladies would last a hell of a lot longer that it would in ours and it would make such a mind boggling difference to their lives- such a massive impact that we couldn't even begin to understand.

So, that's what I would do with that little $100 windfall.

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This gorgeous giphy is by @suheri! Thank you @suheri for making such a beautiful banner for the LOH

And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs are my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you πŸ˜€

If you have made it this far, then you are absolute champions and I thank you so much for reading my blog tonight and I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️All love and support from you in whatever way is greatly appreciated!❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️

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