

"Every day is not Christmas," they say, and of course, every day is not Mother's Day, but why not? Most women and mothers around the world have done a thing or two in the mothering department.

I say every woman because I believe every woman is a mother, kids or not. The majority of us have the inbuilt motherly traits in us. We have, at one time or another, let those motherly instincts come out to play, and I don't mean when it comes to kids or children alone.

There are women who not only mother their kids but also mother their husbands, partners, and boyfriends. I could explain better, but sorry, I don't want to bore you.

I have such a hectic schedule that most times, I forget to do so many things. Taking care of kids should be a full-term salaried job, but I simply don't have that luxury. I have two very hyperactive boys that sap all my energy and make me neglect myself at times.

I have to worry about waking up early to cook for my elder son to take to school, bathe his brother, feed them both, take care of the messes made in the house afterward, wash dishes, and pile clothes in the washing machine.

Bear in mind, I have to somehow achieve all these before 9 am. I work at home as a full-time writer, working from home, and I have to be on my laptop with my boss by 9 am.

That's why mornings are always so clumsy for me. In between my weekly schedule, I have to make time to do grocery runs to keep a fresh supply of provisions in the house.

There's also the issue of the freelancing I do, projects I have to finish, and submit to clients all within limited time frames.

I used to be very fashionable before marriage and childbirth, and I don't even remember when I lost myself, but I did, and I couldn't stand to look at myself anymore.

I have to prioritize my kids before making any decisions, financially and otherwise. I stopped buying clothes and other stuff for myself because I would rather buy for my kids. The thought of them comes with a certain guilt whenever I want to splurge on something.

One day, I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw hair that I liked, $300 human hair. I loved it, and I wanted it. The thought of my kids popped up again, and a certain voice in me urged me to take care of myself for once. I make all the money, and I hardly ever buy new things for myself. To hell with it, I thought, and proceeded to pay for the hair.

And the best part? I didn't feel guilty one bit. Ever since then, I've been spending money on taking care of myself and slaying all day every day, even if I'm indoors.

Because I matter alot, plus there's no two of me, I ensure that I take good care of myself now. I have massages whenever I can, shop as much as I can afford, buy quality wigs, eat the best meals and use the best supplements I can afford to buy.

Mothers don't get enough praise for taking care of the family and holding down the fort. We work so hard, and people who have not been in our shoes just trivialize it.

If you ask me, Mother's Day should be an everyday celebration. Every day should be a special reminder that we bore lives in us, stepped up to parenting responsibility (for the people that stepped up), and, above all, remind ourselves that we are beautiful, even more beautiful than we used to be before childbirth because we fought wars between life and death in the labor room or theater to bless mankind with other addictions.

Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am Cmh Writes, a linguist at heart, a writer by career, a home keeper, and a mother every single day or time.

I demand my flowers for being an exceptional mother and raising gentlemen that society will thank me for. But then, if I don't get it, I'll take it myself, lol.

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