Sweet Mother.

Hi ladies of hive. Thank you honouring the most adorable creatures on earth.
Here we go...

The source of the image is mine.
What an indelible mark in my life. I was enveloped, embeded and enshrined in your womb in an unknown world for eleven months. In you I live, in you I move, in you I breath in you I eat under the shadows of the unknown world. In you my maker framed, fashioned and formed me. Sweet mother.

What a remarkable day. The atmosphere was tensed. Feelings of Bliss mix with bleak uncertain of what the outcome will be. At the breaking of the dawn that fateful day a new music was heard. The labour room turned to favor room when sweat mother gave the final push. Sweat mother.

What an awesome world you brought me into. In your bossom I was cuddled, carried and covered. You were awake most times when I was asleep. Always worried when I was weak, weary and sick. It beats my imagination when I think where your strength emanates from. Sweet mother.

What an amazing experience growing up under your training and tutorial. Your determination, doggedness and discipline in season and out of season has tested, tried and transformed me to become the enviable mother I'm today. You spared not the rod lest you spoiled me. Sweet mother.

Sweet mother!
You are supra beautiful
You are tireless
You are indefatigable
You are indomitable
You are amiable
You are amazingly gorgeous
You are a rare gem
You are a virtuous woman.
Hope you will enjoy this little piece. Thanks for your audience.

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