My garden #Ladies of Hive contest week 180

Making a garden has been a long awaiting plan in my mind looking for opportunity to start, though having little challenges where I live because of animals the house is not fenced.
Garden is a carved out area in a house or a space in a house where vegetables and fruits are planted for the consumption of the members of the house for there health benefits, this is my own perspective about a garden.
There are so many vegetables and fruits that can be planted in the garden as earlier mentioned.
A. Vegetables

  1. Spinach which is a green leafy vegetables that is very nutritious and has many health benefits. It contains folic acid which is good for pregnant women as I was thought in my secondary school days.
    2.Ogu leaf is a popular Nigerian vegetable which is very important and has high nutritional values. Apart from using it in different delicacies such as soups, stew, portage, this vegetables can be used virtually all meals, can also be prepared local blood tonic with maltina drink when squeezed, the extract are mixed together to prepare a local blood tonic as we see our parents do as we were growing up.
  2. Biter leaf is another good vegetable which contains Base as I was thought in my Chemistry class in secondary school. it is used to cook soups and other foods such as jellof rice, yam, beans, maze and bean known as jaman rice, and so on.
    4.letus, cabbage carrots green beans and peas,water leaf among others are what I want in my garden.

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B. Fruits that I will like to have in my garden are as follows:

  1. Banana is a sweet fruit and has slot of health benefits such as boosting of immune systems as I learnt during my secondary school days.
  2. Plantain is also from the banana family which is eaten and aid in digestion and very nutritious.
  3. Guava fruit is another fruits of high nutritional value both the fruits and the leaves alike.
  4. Mango fruit, berries, avocado , orange, coconut, among so many others.
    In conclusion, having a garden is very important to a home, it save time, money and helps one to eat
    Clean and vegetables and fruits that are not contaminated. Thank You.
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