In September of last year, just few months after her marriage ceremony, my big sister moved abroad. She, alongside her husband. She was going for further studies and he went along as a dependent. They were lucky to be able to go together, considering that the freedom to go with a dependent was restricted in January of this year.

Occassionally, myself and her would have our moments of catching up via Whatsapp voice and video calls which lasts for long minutes, sometimes hours. I let her do most of the talking while I ask questions and try to make her laugh so much since I could tell it's not so easy for her, plus, she mentions how boring/lonely it can be there. Makes me wonder how it would even be if she hadn't gone with her partner.

Contrary to what most of us over here think, migrating is not as easy as is said. There are lots of factors involved and every single aspect of a person's life; mental, physical, financial and otherwise, is involved.

Before the talks, I've read and made some researches about life overseas, and learning from personal experiences, stories, guidelines and tips, I knew it was no child's play.

During our conversations, my sister would recount the hurdles of blending in, the weather dissimilarity compared to home, the taxes to be paid, the resolute ambience of the city, and finding their footing. She made sure to share culture shocks too.

One interesting thing she mentioned was the necessity of taking vitamin D capsule. Vitamin D, which over here, we have easy access to whenever the morning sun shines, iss not sane over there. According to her, the sun barely smiled down in the mornings and the body reacted to the lack of it causing some depression and moodiness and all the rest things she said.

You know, they had to leave with only a few items as checking-in onboard the flight could allow. Which implies having to start all over. Although, presently, they have to deprive themselves other wants inorder that they're able to settle bills and fix other pressing issues. So, they more or less haven't made a proper home for themselves. It's all about trying to stay afloat for now. Trying to get a gripping and come to terms with their new abode.

I can tell you categorically that living abroad is expensive. Very expensive. When she ran down all they had and are spending ever since moving there, I had my mouth hung open. That's because, while back home, she never spent up to 5% of that amount in a year. Take for instance, her monthly rent over there is enough to cover for 7 years of her rent back here. The room space? She had a much bigger room here.

Most of it made me wonder and ask why a lot of persons still put themselves under so much pressure to leave. I mean, if you have that much money to spend which otherwise would Hive you so much here, why ho through all if that? But, I see what it is. I know better.

Until now, she says she hasn't found her footing -stability. She's hopeful that they would by next year. Recently, just last week, i had to run some errands here for her just so a friend who would be going over there by next week would get some things to her since they're more cheaper here.

Life in the UK is good, she says. Good Healthcare system, better care for the people there, more performing sustem and good governance too. Doesn't erase some of the struggles of moving over there newly. I think that's normal with relocation though, be it within a country or internationally.

Sometimes, when I listen to my sister share the tales from living there, I imagine how difficult it must be, especially when she tells the frustration and anger and fear she(her partner too) have lived through since being there. But the prospects are good. It's only for a while. One thing I know now, though, is, migrating messes with a person's emotions, terribly. Doesn't matter how solid a person's wellness is, it shakes them up some. A stable support system helps in a way.

In short time, I hope to migrate too; to travel a storm and hopefully, make for myself a home in one of the beautiful cities in the country I most prefer which i would visit.
Rght now, I'm just gathering as much information and knowledge as I can get. Wgat I am most grateful to learn now and early enough too, is that, it's not a walk in the park. It can be a Rollercoaster -of so much.

That's my participation to the Ladies of Hive contest for week #195

Images are mine
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