Un día de mi vida/ Ladies of Hive Community Contest #88/One day of me

Un saludo a todas ustedes desde Venezuela, con inmenso gusto me uno a la comunidad que nos agrupa con iniciativas para producir contenido.

Soy mujer, María del Rosario es mi nombre, voy transitando la llamada tercera edad, lo que me vuelve una persona que ha acumulado experiencia, pero que también valora el aprendizaje diario y cree en el agradecimiento como la fuerza interior que nos mantiene activas.

La invitación de Ladies of Hice, en esta oportunidad es

1️⃣ Which actress do you identify with, in what movie, and why? I want the movie and all there is to know about why you are like her and all about the actress (or actresses). Sourcing is nesseccary!


2️⃣ Take me with you on one day this coming week. You must be in at least 3 pictures!
I want to see what you do in a day!

He tomado la segunda opción por lo que les comentaré un día de mi semana.

Todos ellos son diferentes, el hecho de estar jubilada me brinda la oportunidad de variar y no tener una rutina. En este mes de junio viajé al estado Apure a visitar a mis cuatro hijos y siete nietos para disfrutar los treinta años de mi hijo menor y los quince de mi nieto mayor.

Estar en San Fernando de Apure es muy significativo para mí, porque aquí pasé 39 años de mi vida ejerciendo la labor docente, por eso tengo grandes amistades y es común que al recorrer las calles me consiga gente conocida, eso es gratificante, pero por supuesto el poder ver "cara a cara” a mis seres queridos es lo mejor.

Los abrazos, las conversaciones, las risas, probar la sazón de sus comidas y llenarme de ese amor multiplicado es glorioso.

Con amenaza de lluvia.

Ha estado lloviendo mucho, eso ha influido para salir más seguido y visitar lugares que me gustaría recorrer, inclusive ha hecho frío, algo inusual en esta parte que se caracteriza por el calor bastante fuerte, eso ha sido bueno.

Tenía trámites bancarios que hacer, actualización de datos y más, aproveché de reunir los recaudos y salí muy temprano a ello. Todo resultó fluido, afortunadamente, no había mucha gente y salí temprano. Compré café y un pan de queso con la idea de ir a visitar a una antigua amiga, a la cual tenía tiempo sin ver por culpa de la pandemia.

Con mi querida amiga

Llegué a su casa y me recibió con ese cariño intacto y esa emoción de ambas por poder abrazarnos de nuevo. Le escuché sus historias, un resumen de la salud y pormenores de sus hijos y nietos mientras iba respondiendo a sus preguntas, interesada también por saber de mí y mis hijos.

Me dijo en voz baja y con un dejo de preocupación: «chica, voy a cumplir ochenta y cinco años»: ella es casi veinte años mayor que yo, pero hemos sido buenas amigas por largo tiempo. Le tranquilicé, llegar a esa edad es un regalo divino que agradecemos. La vi con buena salud, hizo café y conversamos un rato, al mediodía me despedí, no sé hasta cuándo.

Me fui al hogar de mi hijo mayor y su esposa donde me estoy quedando, almorcé y luego me fui a la casa «montonera», ahí están cuatro de mis nietos: besos y abrazos renovadores, también risas al saber de las ocurrencias de ellos.

Mi nieto menor

Hablamos y compartimos un rato, conversé un rato con de una de mis hijas. Ella debía irse a trabajar de nuevo, pero me habló de sus proyectos y expectativas, es muy agradable oírla, me enorgullece su esfuerzo y entusiasmo por todo lo que hace.

Luego regresé a casa de mi hijo, mi nuera estaba haciendo dos tortas, ella también estaba de cumpleaños, al igual que su hijo. Al terminar llegaron los amigos de mi nieto y el resto de la familia, tuvimos una agradable velada, de esas que quedan grabadas en los recuerdos como especiales.

Mi hijo, nuera y nietos son músicos por lo que esa celebración estuvo animada, además son muy alegres, nunca falta la chanza y esa camaradería entre hermanos que me agrada. Nada como una familia feliz.


Con mi nieto mayor en su cumpleaños, mi hijo, mi nuera también de cumpleaños e hija.

Luego del tradicional canto de cumpleaños que ellos extienden con más canciones, se repartió la torta y todos se retiraron y me fui a dormir casi a las doce. Fue un día muy especial.

English version

Greetings to all of you from Venezuela, with great pleasure I join the community that brings us together with initiatives to produce content.

I am a woman, María del Rosario is my name, I am going through the so-called old age, which makes me a person who has accumulated experience, but who also values ​​daily learning and believes in gratitude as the inner strength that keeps us active.

The invitation from Ladies of Hice, this time is
Greetings to all of you from Venezuela, with great pleasure I join the community that brings us together with initiatives to produce content.

I am a woman, María del Rosario is my name, I am going through the so-called old age, which makes me a person who has accumulated experience, but who also values ​​daily learning and believes in gratitude as the inner strength that keeps us active.

The invitation from Ladies of Hice, this time is

1️⃣ Which actress do you identify with, in what movie, and why? I want the movie and all there is to know about why you are like her and all about the actress (or actresses). Sourcing is nesseccary!


2️⃣ Take me with you on one day this coming week. You must be in at least 3 pictures!
I want to see what you do in a day!

All of them are different, the fact of being retired gives me the opportunity to vary and not have a routine. This June I traveled to the state of Apure to visit my four children and seven grandchildren to enjoy the thirty years of my youngest son and the fifteen of my eldest grandson.

Being in San Fernando de Apure is very significant for me, because I spent 39 years of my life here as a teacher, that's why I have great friends and it's common that when walking the streets I find people I know, that's gratifying, but of course Being able to see my loved ones "face to face" is the best.

The hugs, the conversations, the laughter, tasting the seasoning of their meals and filling me with that multiplied love is glorious.

With the threat of rain

It has been raining a lot, that has influenced me to go out more often and visit places that I would like to visit, it has even been cold, something unusual in this part that is characterized by quite strong heat, that has been good.

I had bank paperwork to do, update data and more, I took advantage of collecting the collections and left very early to do so. Everything went smoothly, luckily there weren't many people and I left early. I bought coffee and a cheese bread with the idea of ​​going to visit an old friend, whom I had not seen for a long time due to the pandemic.

With my dear friend

I arrived at his house and he received me with that affection intact and that emotion of both of us for being able to hug each other again. I listened to her stories, a summary of the health and details of her children and grandchildren while she was answering her questions, also interested in knowing about me and my children.

She said to me in a low voice and with a hint of concern: “girl, I'm going to be eighty-five years old”: she is almost twenty years older than me, but we have been good friends for a long time. I reassured him, reaching that age is a divine gift that we appreciate. I saw her in good health, she made coffee and we talked for a while, at noon I said goodbye, I don't know until when.

I went to the home of my eldest son and his wife where I am staying, I had lunch and then I went to the "montonera" house, there are four of my grandchildren: kisses and hugs that renew, also laughter when knowing of their occurrences.

My youngest grandson.

We talked and shared for a while, I talked for a while with one of my daughters. She had to go back to work, but she told me about her projects and expectations, it is very pleasant to hear her, I am proud of her effort and enthusiasm for everything she does.

Then I returned to my son's house, my daughter-in-law was making two cakes, she was also celebrating her birthday, as was her son. At the end, my grandson's friends and the rest of the family arrived, we had a pleasant evening, one of those that are recorded in memories as special.

My son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren are musicians so that celebration was lively, they are also very happy, there is never a lack of jokes and that camaraderie between brothers that I like. Nothing like a happy family.

With my oldest grandson on his birthday, my son, my daughter-in-law also on his birthday and daughter.

After the traditional birthday song that they extend with more songs, the cake was distributed and everyone retired and I went to sleep almost at twelve. It was a very special day.

Mi contenido es original
Las imágenes me pertenecen

Gracias por leerme


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