ladies of hive Community Contest #78

☀️Mi luz abraza tu luz ☀️

En esta oportunidad y con esta nueva iniciativa que nos trae #ladiesofhive, me inclino hacia la pregunta 2, porque me toca mas de cerca, ya que mis mascotas son mi debilidad.

☀️My light embraces your light ☀️

In this opportunity and with this new initiative that brings us #ladiesofhive, I lean towards question 2, because it touches me more closely, since my pets are my weakness.

Las mascotas son una suave brisa o a veces un gran chapuzón. Nos gustaría que nos hablaras de esa mascota especial en tu vida. Puede ser la mascota que tenías de pequeño o tu mascota actual.¿Qué opinas de ella?


Pets are a gentle breeze or sometimes a big splash. Nos gustaría que nos hablaras de esa mascota especial en tu vida. It could be the pet you had as a child or your current pet.what do you think of it?

En este momento no tengo una mascota , quizas estoy procesando aun mi duelo por la perdida de mi perro, hace 2 años imaginense uds.. y es precisamente de él de quien quiero hablar.

At this moment I don't have a pet, maybe I'm still processing my grief for the loss of my dog, 2 years ago, and it is precisely about him that I want to talk.

Horus, asi se llamaba mi perro amado , llegó a mi vida en el año 2009. Una amiga de mi hija tenia una perra que habia dado a luz a 5 hermosos perritos , y nos preguntó si deseabamos uno. El día que fuimos a escoger al perrito ibamos mi hija y yo conversando sobre el nombre que le pondriamos ..Al llegar observamos a 4 perritos nada más ,,pero faltaba uno!!!...fue justo en ese momento cuando el perrito faltante se asomaba por unas escaleras que solito habia subido , pero que no tenia idea de como bajar...y lloraba desesperadito...mi hija y yo al unísono lo señalamos y dijimos nos llevamos ese.!!!!...


Horus, that was the name of my beloved dog, came into my life in 2009. A friend of my daughter's had a dog that had given birth to 5 beautiful puppies, and she asked us if we wanted one. The day we went to choose the puppy, my daughter and I were talking about the name we would give her...When we arrived we saw 4 puppies, but one was missing!!! was just at that moment when the missing puppy was looking up some stairs that he had climbed by himself, but he had no idea how to get down...and he was crying daughter and I pointed at him in unison and said we will take that one. !!!!.....

Con el nombre de Horus lo bautizaron mis hijas , ya que para ese entonces veian una serie llamada El misterio de Anubis y alli salia a relucir el nombre de este Dios Egipcio cuyo nombre significa Dios del cielo

My daughters baptized him with the name of Horus, since at that time they watched a series called The Mystery of Anubis and there the name of this Egyptian God whose name means God of the sky

Fue la mascota que mas tiempo duro en mi casa, y estoy segura que vino con una mision de vida, me acompañó durante 11 años , lo consideraba mi perrijo, para mis hijas su hermanito menor. Era muy inteligente, muy jugueton, muy fiel, amé como nunca antes habia amado a un perro ,y tuve muchos , pero ninguno tan significativo como él.

He was the pet that lasted the longest in my house, and I am sure that he came with a life mission, he accompanied me for 11 years, I considered him my puppy, for my daughters his little brother. He was very intelligent, very playful, very faithful, I loved as I had never loved a dog before, and I had many, but none as significant as him.


Fue facil de entrenar ..en pocos dias aprendio a dar la pata para recibir su recompensa, si jugabamos a policias y ladrones cuando yo disparaba (de mentiritas) ...el caia al suelo herido (de mentiritas tambien) 😅😅😅

He was easy to train a few days he learned to give his paw to receive his reward, if we played cops and robbers when I would shoot (pretend) ...he would fall to the ground wounded (pretend too), 😅😅😅😅

Cuando estuve recien operada, fue mi enfermero de cabecera , posaba su cabecita sobre mi cama y alli se quedaba toda la noche( recuerdo esto y me dan ganas de llorar)😠😠😠

When I was recently operated on, he was my bedside nurse, he would lay his little head on my bed and stay there all night long (I remember this and it makes me want to cry)😠😠😠😠.

Todo ese tiempo que lo tuve corrí por el, viví por el y tal vez ese amor no sea nada parecido al de una madre hacia un hijo Sin embargo lo cuide como tal , lo hice parte de mi familia , no falto como invitado especial a un cumpleaños.A el lo vi crecer , el me vio evolucionar. Aun asi estaria dispuesta a devolver el tiempo y volver a gozar de su precencia , y si algo hice mal , lo repararia con tal de volver a abrazar a aquel inocente ser, a aquel angel del cielo , que llego a mi vida para cambiarlo todo.

All that time I had him I ran for him, I lived for him and maybe that love is nothing like a mother's love for her son, however I took care of him as such, I made him part of my family, he never missed a birthday as a special guest, I saw him grow up, he saw me evolve. Even so, I would be willing to give back the time and enjoy his presence again, and if I did something wrong, I would repair it in order to embrace again that innocent being, that angel from heaven, who came to my life to change everything.



Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad/All photos are my property

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