If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?


🌠 Un abrazo de luz para todos 🌠

La pregunta que nos trae en esta oportunidad la comunidad de #ladiesofhive , parece muy comĂșn... pero... comĂșn y todo es un puerto de acceso a los lugares mas recĂłnditos de la mente, ya que a nivel del subconsciente nos ayuda a adentrarnos mas en el, aunque ya sabemos lo que vamos a responder , descubrimos cosas de las que no nos habĂ­amos percatado.

A vuelo de pĂĄjaro esta pregunta parece sencilla, pero si nos detenemos un momento a pensar afloraran las respuestas menos pensadas. Por cierto en estos dĂ­as en una discusiĂłn con una persona con un temperamento muy difĂ­cil, me mantuve callada mientras sus palabras eran algo hirientes y aflorĂł un deseo y a la vez una pregunta ÂżY si yo fuera mĂĄs dominante y autoritaria ?..a partir de ese momento comenzaron a surgir pensamientos tras pensamientos
y me cuestione nuevamente, Âżde verdad quisiera cambiar mi personalidad?

Si les soy honesta el cuestionarme con esa pregunta , me dejo la mente totalmente en blanco, y comencé a ver las cosas desde otra óptica.

Hubo una etapa de mi vida donde me sentía inconforme con muchas cosas, deseaba ser otra persona, con distinta forma de ser, pero me toco ser contundente y objetiva y comencé a trabajar en lo que mas me aturdía y todo relacionado con mi autoestima. Existen muchas cosas que no podemos cambiar , porque forman parte de nuestro temperamento , pero si podemos elegir cambiar nuestro caracter , porque este es la respuesta a factores externos que lo condicionan.

Pero, ese dia que tuve el impase con aquella persona y la pregunta que me formulé , sobre cambiar algo de mi personalidad ...Mi respuesta seria ...ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA.!!, porque mi personalidad forma parte de mi, puedo elegir como reaccionar ante cualquier situación...pero siempre seguiré siendo como soy


🌠 A hug of light to all 🌠

The question that brings us this time the community of #ladiesofhive , seems very common ... but ... common and all is a port of access to the most recondite places of the mind, since at the level of the subconscious helps us to go deeper into it, although we already know what we are going to answer , we discover things that we had not realized.

From a bird's eye view this question seems simple, but if we stop for a moment to think, the least thought answers will emerge. By the way these days in a discussion with a person with a very difficult temperament, I kept quiet while his words were somewhat hurtful and a desire surfaced and at the same time a question arose What if I were more dominant and authoritarian ?..from that moment thoughts after thoughts began to arise
and I questioned myself again, would I really want to change my personality?

If I am honest with you, questioning myself with that question left my mind totally blank, and I began to see things from a different perspective.

There was a stage in my life where I felt dissatisfied with many things, I wanted to be another person, with a different way of being, but I had to be forceful and objective and I started to work on what was bothering me the most and everything related to my self-esteem. There are many things that we cannot change, because they are part of our temperament, but we can choose to change our character, because this is the response to external factors that condition it.

But, that day that I had the impasse with that person and the question I asked myself about changing something of my personality ... My answer would be ...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!, because my personality is part of me, I can choose how to react to any situation ... but I will always remain as I am.


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