Clitoris - The gift from God to women / LOH contest 137

clitoris.png (Picture created with Canva Pro)

When I saw the weekly prompt of Ladies of Hive for this week, I couldn't resist to participate since this is one of my favourite parts of my body: the clitoris.

So the questions proposed for this week are:

Do you think that in these times it is still a taboo to talk about female sexual pleasure? What do you know about your clitoris? Do you feel that you have full control over your sexual pleasure or do you simply leave the job to your partner?

I guess that this topic is going to be so different to every women depending on the country they are from, on the education they have received and on how much they have explored their own body.

Personally, I love talking about sex and masturbation but I have to say that I have felt judged in my past when I have talked about this topic freely. Still I consider myself lucky to be from Spain, where if I compare to other countries, I can not complain about the freedom we women have. But before reflecting on how open or not are other people to talk about this topic, first I want to share my experience.

I have to say that until I went to University I had no idea about the gift I had between my legs. During my teenage years I have felt very curious about sex, but at the same time when I was 14 I had a bad experience with an unknown man who violently grabbed my boobs when I was just walking the dog which created a trauma and hate for men that took me years to overcome.

So, yes, when I went to Uni I was still a virgin and had no idea about what an orgasm or the clitoris was. If this post was just for women, I would be happy to share my first experience and how I get to know the existence of my clitoris. Let's just say that it happened by accident and that has been the best accident in my life. And no, it was not with a man because a few years after, when I started to have sex with men, I discovered that many of them don't know about its existence.

The good thing is that, before starting having sex with men, I explored really good my body so I knew how to make myself having an orgasm. Because of this, I have enjoyed most of my sexual relationships. But unfortunately not every woman does. I have been asked many times by friends how do I do it and I always ask the same question: do you masturbate? Because really, you can not expect that someone else knows your body better than yourself!

The reality is that female pleasure has been a taboo topic in many countries until recently and still is a taboo topic and many other countries. I know some women that feel uncomfortable talking about this, that are ashamed of their own bodies and that think that the purpose of having sex is just to satisfy the man needs. Still nowadays I have felt judged when I have talked about it in countries that are supposed to be "modern" like the Netherlands. It's like if a woman talks openly about sex, she is a whore. But for men is okay. They can freely send their dick pictures without asking for them and nothing happens because, you know, is a man... 😒

I hope that these misconceptions are something to laugh about in the near future because, honestly, we are very lucky! We can have more orgasms than a man and I am sure that the pleasure that we feel is more intense (also the pain, for that reason is important always doing it with people that we trust and listening to our body).

So, ladies, don't be shy and enjoy this wonderful gift from the Universe/God or however you call the energy that created our marvelous body 🌸

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