My First Love, Mom. For The Ladies of Hive Contest, #184

no idea who shot the image, as we had tons of disposable cameras at our wedding, but this is one of many received that wonderful day, almost three decades ago!

Most of you know me @bluefinstudios, the Gardener. Some as BluefinStudios, the Photographer. Some, who know me irl, know I am a Specials Production Manager. Before I was all that, first, I was a son. This is my first love, my mom. It happens to almost all of us... mom was first in our lives.

I grew up in a house with a strong, brilliant, independent woman: Mom. Before her, she was influenced by my Yia Yia, my grandmother. Another strong independent woman. How she managed the blend of old world Greek Yia Yia, with all the connotations and joys, with being an independent woman, I will never know. I do know, she raised her oldest, my mom, to be just a fiercely strong, and intelligent as she was.

my mom, my yia yia, and my brother and I (and my awesome bowl cut, sadly, no facing the camera - but you gotta admit, my ear is cute!)

Oh, don't get me wrong, my Papou, my Grandfather was around, and loved to think he was in charge! We all loved him, bless is soul. He felt he needed to be strong, and show no emotion. He felt he needed to be manly; to be gruff. But, as we grandkids grew, we saw how kind, soft and loving he was.
He lived for his wife, and his children. Soon, his grandkids! In fact, he gave me my first garden, and set me on that, path, too.

my dad, mom, yia yia, little brother, my wife, and I - at my cousin's wedding

Seeing my grandfather, and my dad as well; seeing how they were in their relationships, allowed me to be who I am, today. Growing up, I dated only
strong, independent, and intelligent young women. No surprise then, when I married one, too. And years later, together, we've raised two powerful, intelligent, driven young ladies.

It was my mom, who showed me, taught me, that true love is not surface deep. That there an inner beauty, and an inner strength, that can change me. Finding the woman who, with her strength, and own sense of self, can make me a better person.

I don't need obedience, I need someone who respects me. I don't need servitude, I need someone who makes me a better person. i don't need a woman as eye candy, I need a woman who can be my equal. All lessons learned at my mom's side.

I have never dated women who were solely eye candy. Never dated ditzy. Never dated shallow. The women in my life, a real. Are brilliant. Are emotional and strong and intelligent. They are in many ways, better than I. They push me to BE BETTER! Always.

I found that woman. When I think of her, I know my mom is proud of me.

But this all goes back to my first woman in my life, mom.

contest number #184

Happy Gardening and Cheers,

All Images and Video by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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