LOH #97: The World Needs Our Awesomeness

My blind masseuse friend and I guiding her to her workplace
Just me sending some love

Good morning, @ladiesofhive and to y'all wonderful ladies out there.

It's been ages since I last participated in the community and I gotta thank @usagidee for tagging me for this week's LOH challenge. There are 2 questions from @saffisara being asked and I'd pick #1.


What’s something you could teach me about?**

My Answer:
Well, lemme tell you a bit of a story.

I woke up this morning around 5am, got my coffee, and dropped my daughter to her school before 7am. It was a fine day until it started pouring like crazy. And I since I don't have my own vehicle, I do commute everyday. That feeling of annoyance being stuck in the rain waiting for a ride back home is overwhelming. I started to mumble and grumble to myself about more sunny days, the fact that there's a typhoon currently visiting us and I am not a fan of rainy days. We just had one strong typhoon last week.

Then, I stopped my bitching for a second realizing how blessed I am to have rain falling all around me and not debris from typhoon, wildfires, tornado, tsunami nor earthquakes. We recently had a magnitude 7.1 earthquake a month ago and it was crazy. It just came to my mind how lucky I am to be hearing the rain drops on the streets and not flashfloods and mudslides which are very common in my place. How blessed I am to walk freely outside, and not have to worry about people crying lost their homes nor their loved ones due to calamities.

I cannot do anything for the people hurting, except hold them close in my heart and thoughts. I can, however, do things in their honor in my little corner of the world to help people I can reach. I am not a very showy person, yet I do help discreetly. We can put as much good into our corners of the world, each act of kindness rippling out. We all can. We can't stop the tragedies and natural disasters. No. But we can do our best to not add to the pains of the world. We can extend our hand to people who are different from us, we can help someone who needs it, we can be good humans. I myself can't help everyone, but I can help some, and while I know we are all facing a lot of life's struggles, it never hurts to look around for a chance to be kind. The best thing about kindness - it doesn't cost a damn thing.

Something I could teach you about that I've also learned from my parents.

Thank you, ladies. Now, I am inviting @pinkchick @jeansapphire @lheeshan to join the challenge as well. Happy weekend! It's past my bedtime, so goodnight beautiful souls!

⊱ღ꧂❤ One love ❤⊱ღ꧂

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September 03, 2022, 3:13am PST
In between the farm and the beach

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