LOH#157 I am often Misunderstood

This week's LOH Topic was to talk about something that people misunderstand about you so here is my take on it.

Im often Misunderstood and here are some of the reasons why .

First of all there is always a misunderstanding between my name so my Actual name is Rabiya and Biya is my nickname so most of my online friends get confused when they learn that .

Another major misunderstanding is that i was born talented , as you may know im an artist and from my point of view i need to practice alot to be better but some people just would see my recent artworks and be like your so talented i wish i had talent too and im like i wasn't born this way I used to fail arts class as a kid while acing at basically every other subject but it was probably in my teen years when i started drawing as an hobby so if anything that really helped me to be this better is practice and thats all it takes.

Another misunderstanding is that just because I'm a Muslim i would be like very religious and strict which is not my case im very chill with people when they talk about their cultures and religion infact i love learning new things about other cultures and beliefs .

So thats it for today .
Thank you for your precious time and support ❤️

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