My feminity, My pride. Loh#176.

Pleasant greetings everyone!

I consider myself so blessed to be a woman and celebrating our uniqueness brings me a lot of joy. To witness the specialty of women celebrated in my day and age is also something I consider to be a huge blessing.

Being a woman is no small feat and it should not be taken for granted either. From the time of my adolescence till now that I have matured into womanhood, I can boldly testify that a woman is an important factor in Earth's ecosystem.

Stereotypes about being a woman.

In ancient times, history plus other first hand stories pointed out that women were weak, useless and only good in making babies. The opposite gender thrived on this knowledge, subjugating women and claiming dominance over them. This led to so many women dying with their potential.

Even with the advent of education, so many cultures still harbour these unfair beliefs about women, preventing them from realizing their full potential and gaining momentum. So many fathers are unhappy when they are told by the midwife "it's a baby girl". They hiss, huff and puff but when the reverse of a male child being born happens, these fathers throw lavish parties to sad.

Education wise, the girl child is not allowed to further her education past a certain level before she's sold off to a man in the guise of marriage. At a young age, she learns to take on numerous household chores, carry a baby in her uterus, bear the pain of childbirth, raise a family in the name of a man...and yet that man will say that she does nothing all day. Worse case scenario is that if he feels like it, he manhandles and damages her dignity... simply because he is a man.

I strongly stand against the notion that women are meant to be under a man's feet. It is now proven that besides every successful man, is a woman. Cheers to the strong men out there who value, cherish and protect their women, who also see to it that their females get to the zenith of their life's potential.

Benefits of being a woman

As a woman, I appreciate the fact that I am feminine, soft and tender, needing utmost care and protection. I like the fact that my presence in any situation changes the game altogether. I understand that women are powerful. We can bring down great kings and nations without lifting a sword, you can ask Helena of Troy or even Delilah to buttress my claims.

As a woman, I like the fact that I can multitask. Only a woman can do so many things at the same time without getting things mixed up... that's the way we are wired. We can cook, clean the house, prep the kids for school and more within the same time frame while the man is still looking for his socks.

The best part of being a woman is the fact that I can carry life within me for a specified period and birth forth that life into the world. I play a part in God's procreation plan to populate the earth... it's so amazing.

As a mother, I can't fully explain the joys of this journey as I am constrained by time and space but it is simply out of this world. Looking at my fourteen year old daughter, I cannot help but smile and puff up with pride. Being a woman and a mother is the absolute best job in the I would not trade for all the gold in the world.

Thank you all for reading....shalom.

Images used are mine.

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