How I choose to celebrate my Jewel. Loh 195.

Pleasant greetings to you all.

It is rightly said that children are the future and that a nation without children has no future because there will be no posterity. Children are so cute ,loveable and absolutely adorable especially in their infant and formative years but once they become teenagers, arrrggghhhhh! you would think otherwise, hehe. Nevertheless, we love them so much still.

How do you celebrate children's day?

In my country, children's day is celebrated every 27th of May, which is usually a holiday for me and my daughter. No school, no going to work and definitely no waking up early for us. My family tradition begins with dancing and singing and might I add a little pillow fight with my daughter before any other thing follows. Later on we prepare a sumptous meal together, this is also a special mom-daughter time that we enjoy.

We like to keep things simple and personal, so most times we don't like to go out. Simply dining with our delicious home made food and drinks, inviting some of my daughter's friends over to the feast is enough for both of us. Sometimes, I sweeten the day by going out to buy ice cream in large bowls which my daughter and her friends enjoy scooping while watching movies.

The whole idea of that day's celebration is to make children feel more special and that's because they are special. I cannot imagine my life now without my daughter in it, she gives me a reason to smile and so I can do anything for her happiness. Sometimes on children's day, I let her call the shots or we do role plat which means she becomes the mommy while I do her bidding as her daughter only difference is that I still get to pay the bills, hehe.

If children's day happen to fall on a weekend then it's gitl shopping time but most of all what we do enjoy is cuddling with two large bowls of ice cream after a delicious meal in front of the television and binge- watch some k-drama series. My daughter is a big fan of k-drama series, she absolutely loves It especially the traditional ones with royal families and coup d'etats 😁.

I wish I could give her more gifts or spoil her with so much more but I know that she appreciates everything that I do for her especially being there for and with her to enjoy the day. Her bright smile is all the prrof I need. Children are special and worth celebrating each day.

Thank you all for reading. Happy children's day to all the children in Venezuela!

This is my entry to the loh #195 prompts. Stay happy everyone!

Images used are mine.

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