Ladies of hive 153 contest

Happy new week

Is a new week and a happy one at that and am grateful to start my week with @ladiesofhive contest, @ifarmgirl came up with interesting question and below are my entry.

Do you still see yourself here on hive five years from now, how would your hive portfolio look like then?


I will confidently say "yes", i will be here on hive in the next five years to come if am still alive.
Hive have come to stay because the whole world is moving with the web3 technology trend and very soon everyone will adopt web3.
You can imagine being rewarded for creating content and for engaging with other people, so what will make me to ever think if stopping.
No job will be able to pay me what i make on hive on monthly basis and the more i build my audience and engage more the more chances i get to be rewarded.
More to that i see people who have been here for Five years or more people like @taskmaster @daltono @denmarkguy @josediccus and many more, their consistency and engagement proves to me that they have nothing to regret and they are not living soon, they are like a role model to me and am striving hard to build such audience which needs time, patience and consistency.

My hive portfolio.

I am hoping to have a fat wallet, to have all available tokens to an extent where i can appreciate or reward people for their good content and hard work, I have been on hive for 10 months and my wallet is not really big but in the next five years if i work hard i am hoping to have 20k hp, 20k leo token and many more tokens, and if am able to achieve more than that i wil be grateful.

The most annoying mannerisms or trait of my husband

!FacebookThe aboved picture is me and my husband, the picture can also be seen on my Facebook page as link above indicates

We all are imperfect and have one or two traits that people around us might want to change but 😔 sadly most of those traits are not easy to change.

My husband has so many traits i would have loved to change, some are funny while others are not because they affect our wellbeing.
I wish i can stop him from farting everytime because the smell always irritates me, he snors when he sleeps and his snor disturbs my own sleep, i will always beat him to stop snoring.
But worse trait of him that i wish i can change is the way he talks 😔 he doesn't take matters serious, he makes joke out of everything even on important issues and this annoys me sooo much that i wish i can change him immediately, unfortunately that has been his way of living and it will not be easy to change him immediately.
Tho i understand him sometimes, he doesn't like taking life to serious because of his physical disability but all the same those traits makes me feel 😞 sad.

Thank you all for stopping by.

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