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A call for Help! How I landed in the hospital

Hello ladies!

I hope you all are having an amazing week so far!

Well my week was going well, until I found myself in the hospital. I woke up early, on Wednesday morning with hope alive for a fruitful day. I got to work and then took a picture because there was no much customers.


Later in the day, a customer came to the shop and I made passion twist using a crochet pin.


I made the hair so fast, since it was actually a bold passion twist style. I finished the hair around 2pm. It rained heavily that every where became flooded. Well, since it has started raining, I really did not expect any further customers. I was only thankful that I made the passion twist, where I was able to get cash for my transportation back home. I waited for the rain to subsidize but it proved fruitless. Well, it was already getting late, so I had to go home under the rain. When I got home, I was cold and almost freezing up. I decided to make myself a cup of hot tea. I poured hot water in the cup and was heading from the kitchen to the room, and then I slipped off from the tiles, and fell on the floor with the whole hot water pouring on my breast. That was how I landed myself in the hospital.


I am under serious medical check and care. I appeal that my fellow ladies of hive wish me a speedy recovery.

Thank you all for the love ❤️

Thank you for the support

See you in my next post.