My Favorite Perfume Scent #102

Happy new week to every ladies of hive community, I am pleased to participate in this contest organized by @elizabethbit which says “if I would be any scent, what will it be and why? What choice It will bring to my memory?.

Firstly, I will like to talk about what scent are;


What are scents?

Scents are amazing and pleasing aroma we use. The good part of it is it can relate to emotion too. I usually prefer a particular perfume, my favorite and it is by named “cool weather”.


Why I Love Cool Weather So Much

I love cool weather because just as the name implies if it’s perceived, it relates more to a weather condition that is filled with cool air.


This type of perfume can be sold in smaller quantity even with NG500, you can get one for yourself. Though it’s one of the common perfumes found in the north where I lived.

The hawkers usually have small containers depending on the amount you wish to purchase. I purchased the full of cool weather in this mini bottle just for NGN500 which is also $0.7 - $0.8.


Photo By Me

It gives me pleasurable emotion whenever there is a cool of the weather.

The most amazing part of the scent is that if I walk pass any and I encounter the it, I usually notice a kind or form of feeling as relates to how a cool weather feels. It relates to when its sunny but the clouds covers the sun preventing the heat with cool breeze in saturation but the difference will be clear. If you are not in similar atmosphere.

Scents can relate to emotions too.

The type of feeling I get is similar to a weather condition in the day that has the sky cloud cover the sun and everywhere is just cool with breeze.

This is the summary of my favorite perfume, thanks for setting up this contest about my favorite scent, and I wish everyone the best while participating.

I am inviting @beatrice3em to participate in the contest with link below.
"Ladies of Hive Community Contest #102 — Hive" @ladiesofhive/ladies-of-hive-community-contest-102

My Sunday Outfit


Happy Sunday All.

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