Achieving My Goals Before the End Of 2022

Setting goals at the beginning of the year is one thing and achieving them is another. I actually had to change goal due to the fact that the global economy is about to migrate into digitization fully.


This had made me to change goals, previously I had a goal of forwarding my education up to masters level then learn UI/UX design.

This doesn’t mean I wouldn’t achieve it but I just have to place it over the other then come back to maintain the previous because finances is needed for everything.

The easiest thing I found to learn from now till the end of the year is crypto trading.


Binance currently offers such opportunity to learn free crypto trading and make some good profits.

I would like to trade short and long term crypto assets.

What I am currently doing to achieve this goal
I am currently watching some videos as regards crypto trading on a popular platform called binance. I also watch some youtube videos too.

Binance supports and integrate major tokens such as bitcoin, Ethereum, hive, eos , e.t.c. It offers market option to enter trading.

I also have to read e- books as regards crypto trading as well. But if I find this process difficult which I won’t, then I will see the need for a tutor.


I want to be a full time crypto trader.

Why I choosed trading
I choosed crypto trading because I am ready to keep an eye watch in the crypto market. And it is the fastest way to earn more in order to meet up my goal of learning UI/UX design.


I am glad I am able to make some positive progress now and with time perfection will be obtained.


Photo By Me

In a bid to invite another woman to this contest, I call on my friend @justina7osun to join the contest.

Thanks for reading do have an awesome day.

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