Handling it by not giving up//Loh#200.


Giving up? No! I am someone who doesn't have the luxury of it. When you have no one to lean on or you are charged with responsibilities that need fulfilling, it is always hard to give up, and that's one way I handle failure.

Life is filled with unexpected happenings. One moment you are smiling, having the best moment of your life and being motivated and the next moment, tears trail down your cheekbone like an uncontrollable tap water, sadness grip your heart as memories of the happenings or what has happened to you grip you and play out in front you like it is recurring and the feeling of defeat overshadow you. Not being able to speak or even feel. I have been lost, tired to move, or even rise up to fight. Life can give all that to us.

It is not an interesting or fun feeling watching the things you've planned or worked for going down the drain. Questions like;

"How come?"
"Why me?"
"When did it start going wrong?"
"Am I cursed?" and more fills up our heart and mind that it may lead to insanity.

Failure hurts so badly that it takes more than courage to rise up from your misery, especially when you keep failing at things. But regardless of the feeling that may arise, I know I have to stand up and do something because I have no one to do my things for me the way I want them except me. I know deep inside that only I am perfect for the job, and that's something that made it a little bit easy to handle failure.

Just as B.F Skinner as said;

A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.


When I am reminded of the things I have to do, what I have sacrificed, and what I intend to derive from it, they spark the light of trying again in me. Whenever I am reminded and see the things I had to endure to get to where I am and the steps needed to get to the next stage, I am motivated to go on.

Rather than give up, I cry if it calls for it. Stay sad if that's what it wants, but what I can never do is give up. Instead, I learned from my mistakes so as to not make the same mistake again. I look at my approach to what made me fail and try another approach... and I know it is okay to fail again. I am only human after all and have no manual on how things need to be done to achieve my aim.

For what I learned from my failure. There's so much to learn from it. The first thing is that I shouldn't beat myself too much on it. Life just sucks sometimes, and that's okay even though it really isn't. There are things that are just beyond my control and that I can not fight strong headed.

So, the best thing I can do is to do my best, learn, gather experiences, and keep learning and doing my best at living life, not just surviving it but truly living life despite its challenges.

I know that in every storm, there'll always be a moment to truly smile, breathe the air, and truly enjoy being alive. What I do know and have learned so far in life is that when failure(life's storm) comes, it won't stay forever as long as I don't give up. I know the storm would surely be over, and with this, have fun listening to this from R-kelly.

This is my response to the LadiesofHivecommunitycontest with the question from @priyanarc ;

How do you handle failure, and what do you learn from it?

Image Sources 1 2 and video used from #YouTube
Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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