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Accepted or enforced #contest103


I was erroneous
For a reason that I was a bird
I had to fly with my bladed wings
They had to notify me the reality
I was distinct yet ordinary
As long as I had my covering
Moral police without any moral value
Killed me for my massive fault
I was made fool
That my country assures me life
I could have security and dignity
If I could survive in restricted freedom

Whoever is having a sympathetic heart, condemn the casualty of flowers like Mahsa Aimni. No matter how conservative thoughts you can have, she was still innocent. Those who claim it's the part of religion are wrong, Islam says

"La iqraho fi deen,".There is no restriction in religion.

So how and why moral police should judge anyone for wearing loose or tight hijab. I also wear hijab but it's my own preference not being enforced by anyone else.

  • Are you one of them?

In my country Pakistan such moral police don't operate. Still you will hear a lot about the injustice cases. So the laws here does guarantee your life no matter if you are following the religion or not. (Please note that no all the people unified in supporting barbarism )

  • If so, how do you cope with the constant hatred and suppression of women?

I can see the people having the CCTV eyes to scan my face under the hijab. But I feel the fee respecting me too. At multiple occasions I faced oppression because I had vail and my face was covered. But instead of moving back I stood for my right. I received justice in a few cases. Recently I had to give a demo as a lecturer in college. I did my level best and I was appreciated warmly by senior teachers. Later I found that another teacher was appointed instead of me. She was not in my comparison. I moved to the staff to ask for any mistakes so that I could fix them in future. But the principal was nervous to tell me reality. He gave me a clue and it was students who wanted to have a liberal teacher in their class. But what do they have to do with my dress code if the purpose of education is to learn??

  • Or do you enjoy having strict rules to follow?

No one does this. The strictness comes with revolution. Which is temporary. But evolution is permanent where people have their mind and heart clues straight to them. As we notice that strictness makes someone revolt. Same in this case,give someone a right way direction but you must not keep jim, /her pulling into the right direction. One can accept the things with heart but not implemented things are never ever righties. In Iran what happened was revolution was Khumini and in Turkey there is Evolution. So things can be compared where things are endorsed by heart and things are implemented with a stick. I don't support the second way.

  • Do you think your country's views of women could be improved, and how?

In recent years there were many cases reported where dress code was targeted. Media highlighted the people raising their voice on the name of religion. They called the victims responsible for the wrong acts by themselves. They viewed that one can save herself from the wolves by dressing in the proper way. But later cases were reported where girls wearing values and hijab were also targeted. So now there is a question mark on freedom. In my view one can secure herself but not with the dress code but with her active mind and flexible body. Might be you disagree but what can I say when the victim is made guilty in the name of freedom. Why can't others control themselves when it's being ordered to lower their eyes when they have to see females. Courts give the judgement by telling the world that the victim was wrong if she wanted to live her life.

  • Dress code can't always give you surety against the wolf's who are wandering to satisfy their hunger.

  • If you want to change everything, start with the media. If you showcase such attractive things, surely females would be in trouble.

  • Would you flee to a safe place, if you could?

At first one wouldn't want to leave the hometown. I also support that change starts from home. So I would be struggling to save the others. But should I prefer to become the victim too??? Now I am leaving this question on the readers. I would like to invite @event-horizon to take part in this discussion.

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