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LOH CONTEST 175// My Sacrifice Is Endless

Ofcourse, a woman is always expected to make sacrifices for her family. I have always had to sacrifice important things for my loved ones and never spoken about it. I Would like to share my story here.

As a woman, sacrifice is one thing we can't do without. We sacrifice because it comes naturally to us and because of the greater responsibilities before us.
As a wife, I can't think about myself alone, I must consider my husband before making any decision in life. As a mother as well, I have to consider the wellbeing and safety of my children before making a major life decision. My life revolves around my family so, I must put them first.


I have made a lot of sacrifices since I got married and when I became a mother, the sacrifices increased. From abandoning the things I love including chasing my dreams. I never regretted it because I did it for a good course.
If I didn't make the sacrifice then, maybe all will be lost now.

I was supposed to go for further studies few years ago because it has been part of my plans after my first degree, for better opportunities in the corporate world. When the opportunity came, I was really happy thinking it's a dream come true. But I had to sit and consider everything over.

I have an infant and a preschooler to care for, my husband's job takes him away from home most of the time and his studies also made him very busy.
My parents are far away in another state, and there is no one around me that could help with my children as I work and study. I was confused at first and then I tried to deny the fact that I can't go for it at the moment I told myself that it's possible to do all together. At the same time, whatever is worth doing should be done well.


Then, the reality dawn on me, when I had to consider the funds, considering the fact that my husband was also studying then and we have other bills to pay.
That was the point I broke down, I cried and I also had to console myself with the fact that I will do it when my kids grow older because they come first, I can't neglect them for my own selfish reasons. I have to let it go and plan for it in the near future.
By then, I would have saved up for it and by that time, nothing will stop me.

This is my response to Ladies of Hive weekly prompt.
Thanks for stopping by, I would really appreciate your comments.

Yours truly @aunth-tosin 💕💕