
My mother was someone's that didn't have chance to go to school but she's someone that believed that education was the best thing to happen to anyone. She is always stand firm and insistent, that she will give all her possible best to make sure that all her children go to school whether we like it or not.

During my childhood, I can't remember the exact date or time these events happened, but it happened that during my primary school days, the headmaster of the private school I was going back to then chased me back home for not paying school fees.

During this time, my parents had no stable income, their business was still crawling and things were really tough. Because of that, my parents both agreed to re-register me in a public school. After my first term in this public school, my mother wasn't pleased with the way they taught students. She struggled really hard to raise some money and took me back to the private school to beg the headmaster to accept me back, with an agreement to pay the remaining money before the session runs out. Whenever I remember these incident, I always wonder what my life would have been without Mother.


My mother is one of the most precious gifts I received from God. I love her a lot, she is a symbol of love, sacrifice, honesty, truth, and compassion. Because of my mother, we were able to go to school. She has constantly been a source of support and inspiration to me and my siblings.

This is my response to the question asked on Ladies of Hives prompt on "What is your favorite memory of your mom? (or someone that acted as that role in your life!)"

Thanks for your Time on my BLOG.

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