Why Mama Mary's Perpetual Virginity is Controversial For Humans (1 of 2)

Well humans like sex, enjoy it like there's no tomorrow outside of marriage, and even masturbate just to please the self. Why then would someone not want such a thing? Lustful people cannot imagine a person "depraving" oneself of the "glory" of sexual intercourse.

Don't get me wrong, sex is a good thing, especially when done by married couples. It brings them closer and bonds them well, you know, intimacy and all that.

God doesn't hate the act at all. He is the Creator who knows everything. He knows how each body part functions and how we humans would react, think, etc. What He abhors is how people abuse and distort it in every way we can, that's the sin.

Here's the thing, why is this topic even being debated and such? Why don't people just mind their own business, right? Well... because Mama Mary's eternal virginity has a big significance.

A beautiful image of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception in Quiapo Church, Manila City | source

My Teenage Thoughts About This Topic: IDGAF

When I was a teen I wasn't that religious but was studying in a Catholic high school (HS). Going to school was just something out of everyday life, studying and learning about how the world works. At the time I thought nothing of religion. But of course we got to learn the basics of God and Catholicism from nuns.

Surely it was also the time when our hormones started raging, my male classmates were getting taller, we girls were growing boobs/hips, and of course the crushes and flirting here and there. Yes there were some who became a couple, of some sort. I wasn't much into gossip then but I knew a few were getting into some puppy love situations.

Never in a million years did I ever think about Mama Mary's virginity in HS. Nobody in class ever talked about it. Like, why? Haha. Why would someone even think about such things? It's not a topic people talk about. It's not part of the religion subject, so why bother with it?

Unless one is very much into sex, gossiping and/or religion I don't think you'd even give a flying eff about it. Our batch wasn't into teenage sex with each other at all so there's that. Yes there were whispers and talks about masturbation but that was it afaik. Most of us were more into studying imho. We weren't prudes, we were just normal teenagers in a Catholic school. I don't even remember any sex education talk at all. 😂

Mother Mary's Virginity gets questioned when someone brings up the topic.

And then it finally happened, after my first year in college, I had a lot of time in my hands. One day I saw a newspaper ad about some free books on "the Real Jesus". Now of course living in the province, well hey that sounded interesting. Free book about the Son of God from someone outside the church.

Like, I did read the Bible in HS but the advertisement made it sound like He's not what we think He is. So I responded by mail, requesting the freebie and then got them soon enough.

Man I was still quite a bookworm back then. From fairy tales to legends, the esoteric and metaphysical, to fantasy and more. And so any reading material I could get my hands on was of course a fun way to spend the day.

So I did read many things in the books and pamphlets I received and mostly forgotten. The only thing that left an impression on me was (1) Jesus had brothers and (2) Mama Mary wasn't a virgin anymore after giving birth.

It was only last year that I actually bothered to find out if that was true or not. Turns out both info are false. Meaning the book and accompaniments are misleading and full of misinformation.

Yes as humans those two incorrect thoughts just sound normal. It doesn't seem impossible at all. Naturally we would think as soon as someone gets married, they'd go for the honeymoon and such. That's the first thing people think about after marriage if they're virgins. And of course even non-virgins too.

Unfortunately both are false/lies, in the case of Mama Mary. I didn't think there'd be anything wrong if it did happen. But since it is not true at all, everyone must know about it. Let's stop spreading the fake news of the devil because it hurts our Queen Mother. 😉

Refuting the Perpetual Virginity of Our Mother Mary Causes Her Pain

Why did I even think of writing this topic if I still feel like IDGAF? Well, as I said in my previous posts, I have been continuously changing my ways. No longer will I be a lukewarm Catholic. It's time for us all to repent and return to the Lord before it's too late.

Thus I just had to discuss this because it seems thru divine inspiration it kept popping up in my mind even if I wasn't that bothered by it. (Most likely due to my daily rosary prayers.) Of course I have already renounced this false belief, you should too.

"Where's the proof?", you might say if you are one of those who doubt it. I'll tell you about it in my next post. Or you can read many online articles like this for example. Meanwhile just think about this: She is the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ thus also deserves much respect and love.

Dirty thoughts, blasphemous and gossipy or idle talk about Mama Mary not being an ever-virgin pierces her heart. Alas, we are but human and still mundane. That's why I ask that you also spread the truth instead and stop the fake news of the devil. They hate her so much and so likes to have her bashed.

Imagine, as humans when others lie and gossip about our virginity status we feel emotional pain, how much more if she's the mother of God? If you are an honest and married woman yet being talked badly behind your back, that you are a whore and sleep around a lot, won't you be offended? Also, if you are still a virgin and you're being ridiculed by so-called friends or other women for being chaste, would you feel happy? You are just dirt or probably disgusting in their eyes!

As a man, if your wife, daughter, sister or female cousin experiences the same, would you feel good about it? Would you not call out that offender for their callousness and disrespectful behavior? So too must we all respect the Blessed Virgin Mary in terms of this delicate subject.


We even celebrate Mother's Day and yet some people cannot even show any reverence to the mom of our Savior Jesus Christ? She is loving and caring towards all, the Queen of Heaven and Earth and considered as humanity's mother.

Isn't our goal in life to go to Heaven? While alive, Mama Mary can definitely help us get there if we ask her! Many miracles have been attributed to her intercession. Even the souls of those who die can have recourse from her. Why then do we disrespect someone who treats all of humanity so well?

Jesus is not happy with our ungrateful behavior towards His mother according to Sr. Lucia, one of the children from Fatima (apparitions). The Child Jesus told her we must make reparations to her Immaculate Heart. But wait, that's a topic for another day. Hehe.

Anyway if you think this issue isn't important at all then hold on. You'll read more about why her perpetual virginity is crucial in my next post. For now, feel free to share your thoughts.


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