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Blowing the Shofar with Our Jewish Worker

We follow the feasts and festivals described in the Bible. Today is the Feast of Trumpets. Many Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah. One of our workers is a Jewish Costa Rican who lives and works here in Panama, so he came by to show us how he celebrates.

We are not Jewish, but Erik wanted to show us how to properly celebrate, so he brought his shofar and we got out ours as well. He said they would have to blow the shofar 70 times, and he was right!

My husband said his lips were starting to get really irritated when they were getting toward the end of the blowing of the shofar. It's a pretty difficult thing to learn. Erik told him he needs more practice. Ha! It definitely took them a lot of lung power!

He also read to us some from his prayer book. It was a bilingual book in Hebrew and Spanish, so he asked me to translate a few of the prayers for the group.


He also told my husband that he needs to buy a prayer shawl. It was an interesting time to spend with Erik. He said he is from the tribe of Levi on his mom's side and is happy to teach us about his Jewish heritage.

Below is a super short video of the guys blowing the shofar and a little bit of Erik reading the prayers for us.