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Who Do You Call First When Troubles Come| LOH Contest #86

This is my entry to The #86th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST. You can check out the contest via this LINK

Who is the first person you would call when you are in trouble?


This question evokes alot of thoughts really and I love it. Well, as far as we are in an imperfect world, problems or troubles will always crop up every now and then. And we must face them headlong 😄

But these problems or troubles are of varying degrees. It could be domestic, education/school, religious, health, inter personal relationships and the ultimate among them... financial troubles. In all these, it will require us to call out different persons for these various shades of troubles. Now, who do we call first when these troubles arise.

Often times, people have a particular person they call first whenever they run into troubles. Advice proffered by such persons are recieved with gratitude and adhered to in most cases. Yours sincerely is not an exception.

In my daily life, even as a young person, I encounter troubles every now and then and I have a particular person I call out first in each of the occasions and that is my mother. During my primary and post primary school days, whenever I ran into troubles, be it academics, bullying or beatings by older students the first point of call is my mother. I'll relay in details all that happened and then listen carefully for her motherly advise. Even the little escapades we do then in school, whenever troubles come out of it, I am rest assured that my mum will be the first I will tell about it!

So, back then, my mother is usually the first person I call on for every shades of troubles...academic, financial and otherwise.

Now, as an adult and in marriage, that trend has shifted a little bit to my partner. He gets to know first whenever I run into troubles. I call him and tell him so that he offers his advise and help when need be. However, for women's talk, I resort to my first mother.

Thanks for reading my blog and let me know your opinions in the comment section. Do you agree with me? And Who do you call first when in trouble?

Let me invite my good friend @didiee to this wonderful contest. Have fun 😊