When You Are Principled You'll Be Considered as Strict and Old Fashioned: LOH Contest #157

Hello ladies. Hope we are all fine? Happy weekend to us all too. Is there anything people always misunderstand about you? Certainly, there is. Inasmuch as this sounds personal and subjective, in truth, we all have one or a few things people don't really like about us, and most times they misunderstood us completely about it [them].

For me, when you what things to be done the right way people tend to regard you as being strict, rigid and in extreme cases, out of fashion. You know this really hurts. I am a very principled person. As such friends and acquiantances alike feel that I am strict and rigid. Be that as it may, I've come to realise that the world we live in now, people most times do not want things that will stress them. They want it an easy way. No stress. But is that really good for us?

Working as a teacher, discipline is a core virtue which must be passed down to the students. But when you apply this principle both staff and students tend to misunderstand you and may term you 'old fashioned' or strict. When students come to school late for instance, you don't pamper them. You give them punishment that is commensurate with their ages so that they will understand the essence of punctuality and regularity. When they fail an exam you score them accordingly so that they'll know that they got it wrong.

But what do we have these days? If you do that the management will come after you. They need the students [fees] to sustain their schools. So you don't score zero or even flog. You pamper them so that they don't run away from the school. Some parents and guardians even encourage this! Isn't that crazy? Now, the holy books says "spare the rod and spoil the child". They have jettisoned this sacred injunction. Corporal punishment is bad really. I agree, but no punishment at all is even worse.

I have however learnt to apply caution and wisdom in this area though. When you fail a given task, you will end up having more take home assignments from me. To be submitted first thing tomorrow morning. That way, the parents and wards will know their child's ability in school. The students don't just like me for this. But that's the way it is. I cannot sacrifice discipline on the altar of cash. We mould students both in character and in learning.

And when did I feel my biggest adrenaline rush? That was about five years ago. Ladies, I was scheduled for a job interview by 08:00Am. The job looks promising. The pay was very much attractive and I was highly qualified for it. So my hopes were high really. I needed to change my working place and this better offer came along. I applied for.it in advance and after much sifting and all that I was penciled down for a physical interview. They just need a person for the vacation position.... Psychology [who will also double for guidance and counseling].


I prepared quite early, dressed up and was about to leave. It then downed on me that I had misplaced my car key! Initially, I didn't see this as a challenge. I started searching for.it slowly. From one room to another. My siblings joined me. Five, ten twenty minutes, we were still searching for it. Time was fast ticking away. I didn't want to go there using public transportation. It is not even advisable to do that. I had less than thirty minutes to my time of interview. I started feeling the heat. I shoved many drawers and cupboards in search of it. They key was nowhere to be found. I became afraid and panicky at the same time. I started perspiring.

Why today, why now? I kept asking myself. I became anxious, nervous and confused altogether. Should I just use a chattered cab and go straight to the venue? Time was really ticking away. I almost gave up using the car as I started looking for my handbag. Then I stepped out of the door. There before me was the key, just kept at the balcony. I was mad at myself. How can I be all that careless? Now look the stress I had gone through. I signed then picked it up and went straight to the garage.

I was ponderig why the key was left there. I realised that I had earlier left it there when I took delivery of a chocolate cake for the birthday of my mum. The deliveryman arrived just as I was about to step out. It was a giant cake. I wanted to present it as a surprise to everyone. So I didn't want to raise alarm when I moved back to the house to keep it safely till I come back in the evening. When I got into the house I went to the kitchen to turn off a running tap. Then came in to say a prayer for me over the interview. Others joined. Then a special meal was prepared and.i was urged to eat a little. In all these, I forgot where I had left the key. I didn't want to search the area where I kept the cake too. No no.

In all, I went for the interview late. I was considered to be interviewed and I finally landed the job. It was a great experience for me too.

This is my participation in the weekly Ladies of Hive contest. To find out more please visit the announcement post HERE

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