Dear Little Abenad - LOH #191

“Don’t marry your books because you won’t give birth to any success, at least not in this country”

Oh if you’re lost, let me explain. When I was little, we used to always say we were going to marry our books and give birth to success. For me, I took it really personal. I remember how I used to have just two friends in class. I wanted nothing to do with games, I mean come on, I wanted to give birth to success. I wanted to have at least two mansions, a fleet of cars, so many shares in reputable companies. I had all these dreams at the age of 14.

I went for all the extra classes in school. You could call me queen of extra classes back then. Now that I think of it, I should have just used that extra classes money to buy some pizza and enjoy because there was no point. Anyway,I barely had time to breathe. As I said, I took that phrase very serious. I was all in my books and I had no social life.

Years later, I got to the university and struggled to make friends. If you’ve been to the university before then you know this wasn’t good because if there’s something you need most in Uni, it’s friends. I struggled to understand the basic principles of friendships or relationships in general. My friends used to ask me anytime I did something wrong if I saw nothing wrong with that thing I did and I would say no because I truly wasn’t seeing anything wrong with that. I had used all my common sense to marry books, how will I even know. My social life was bad.

Tracing the cause of this sent me back to Junior High school when I was busily marrying my books..The last time I checked that marriage didn’t bring forth any success, at least not the one I dreamt off. If I really could sit my younger self down to advise her, I would tell her “there’s time for everything and that is so for a reason. When it’s time to study, sure you do so. When it’s time to play, please play. When it’s time to sleep, please sleep. When it’s time to make friends, go out and do it. There’s more to life than books”.

“Don’t be so buried in your books because there are a lot of things you will go through in the real world that no Pythagoras theorem or avogadro’s constant can teach you. You can only get to know such things when you are out there. There’s no manual or past questions on how to live in the real world, it’s all learned as you move along and gain experiences so don’t skip the basics of everything in the name of marrying your books”.

“Oh, and I hate to break it to you but you need skills to survive in this world, sweetie Abenad, so maybe you should rather find a skill and marry it. Apart from crocheting”. wink

All images are mine

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