Letter to my younger self LOH#191

In a bid to say alot to myself I would start with these words: Hello beautiful younger one I love and admire how resilient you were in situations that seemed difficult to maneuver. I love how you were quick to read a situation and run from it if need be. But due to my journey in life I would like to make some corrections in the place you were wrong.

I want to encourage you that when you go to school and your peers gather around to throw jabs at you or insult on how you look, don't hide under your seat locker in class again, rather stand up and face them boldly stating how proud you are with how you look. Never sit in the dark room to cry of how much you wish everyone can be your friend. When next you go for a class and you have an answer to the question asked, don't hesitate to share your own opinion in the subject discussed.

Most at times, I noticed how you became so shy to participate in social activities because you were scared of failing and being mocked by your peers. I just want you to know that it's okay to give it a try you don't know whether it could be an opener for your celebration seasons where you could be called out in front of the school and be awarded with a prize for the job well done.

I saw the days when you would wish that everyone stopped looking at you as being a weirdo because of the actions you take when a problem arises. I just want to assure you that I love that side of you because it brought this "brilliant strategist" in you when it comes to making decisions and I'm so glad that as years are advancing you have fully accepted that part of you.
There was a period I wasn't happy with you, you stopped reading your books because your classmates made fun of the fact that you were so serious and they nicknamed you, "nerd". But I'm also happy that you quickly recovered from their taunts the next year and became the serious you I know.

Lastly, I want to encourage you to see people differently and don't run away from them because of the previous hurts you had from them, accept the people coming into your life but don't expect too much from humans so that they won't fail. 

Also, learn to enjoy life and every season you find yourself because it is for a reason.

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