How to Fix Login and Voting Problem on Tribal Sites?

Hello there. Unable to access some tribal sites for a few days. Voting or claiming rewards doesn't work in most of them, even if logged in. I will make a few suggestions that may solve this problem.

  • Use one of or for voting. Check the voting power by going to the tribe's site you are using. And vote on the relevant tag/community through the sites I mentioned. It was the long road. There is a shorter way. Lets continue;

  • Use Hive Keychain. Keychain app has browser version and mobile app version. When you log in with Keychain, you will not encounter any voting issues or rewards claiming issues.

  • Make your reward request via Address: (Don't forget to change the username in the address line) However, you may still need to login with Keychain.

Below you can find the links to the Keychain application. I will also add some images.

A video about installation in the Chrome browser:

Content related to mobile version:

Images for Chrome:

Images for mobile: