Vagabond Spirit Acquires the Infinite Doodle


First the really big news: Vagabond Spirit just acquired "The Infinite Doodle" project from @yintercept. The infinite doodle, still in development, is a community based art project in which each doodle is connected to the other doodles in a grid pattern.

Okay, the Infinite Doodle is an art registry. In the crypto world, people call art registries NFTs. They then charge outrageous prices for the art.

I am hoping to make The Creative Coin web site the official forum for the Infinite Doodle.

The purchase price was 8 OMA. This is the transaction:

The OMA is a utility token used to transfer resources between sites. The OMA is not a stable coin. I value the coin at one eighth of a silver dollar. Historically the "bit" was one eighth of the Spanish Dollar (aka pieces of eight). The US dollar was based on this historic dollar.

The term "bit" in computer science is based on the historic piece of eight. Eight bits is a byte.

The current Silver Dollar is one troy ounce of silver. So, I value the OMA at an eighth of an ounce of silver. I valued 8 OMA at about $25.

Some of you are scratching your head thinking: Isn't @vagabondspirit and @yintercept the same person? Did this person just sell a concept to himself in a currency that only he values?

This is what is going on in my brain: @yintercept is my personal account. @vagabondspirit is actually a community account. I am the only person in the community. VagabondSpirit is creating a number of concepts that no-one that no-one else finds.

But, If people ever took active interest in the projects; the project would need its own space. That group will need a name and a TLA (three letter acronym). Currently the TLA is OMA.

I wonder what OMA stands for? I guess the group will have to decide what the initials mean. The last letter might be "Association." An association with just one person? That sounds stupid. The A can't mean association, because that would be too stupid.

Anyway, after buying the Infinite Doodle, I decided that it was time to create a logo for OMA.

So, @vagabondspirit sent 1 OMA to @yintercept for horrible logo featured on this page. The Logo is three triangles and an arc reflected against the y-axis (I guess it is 6 triangles and a circle). Anyway, this @yintercept character is clearly a pervert. I wouldn't want to associate with him, but the transaction is done and can't be undone. The logo design is highway robbery.

This is the transaction:

FWIW: The logo will be the base for the first cell in the infinite doodle.

The way that the doodle will work is that each piece will start with lines drawn in SVG. The doodler will print out the SVG and create an art work around the SVG lines. The doodler will upload the doodle back to the host web site.

If I wanted to, I could create a second SVG from the first piece of art. This way the cells in the doodle could evolve in an iterative process.

But we will draw that line when we come to it.

I have to finish the design for the project, and get the website online again.

Anyway, if anyone has comments on the logo, or is interested in participating in the Infinite doodle, let me know in the comment section below.

Also if this is not a fitting project for #creativecoin, let me know as well. I would like to put the doodles on CCC as the project evolves.

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