Multi-Planetary Species : Old Beliefs will change


Becoming a multi-planetary species would be much more than just achieving a scientific milestone.

If we become a multi-planetary species, a lot of belief patterns would be debunked. There are many beliefs that society is still carrying that are not allowing the individuals to grow to their full potential.

Moving to another planet will open up many new ways of doing things that will challenge the existing myths in society.

Will the existence of God change?
We all have heard the stories of our deities that they possess some supreme powers, all those stories were based on earth but how would those stories be justified on Mars.

When the next generation will be born on other planets, they would require new stories to believe in, then God must be from their own planet.

What about Astrology?
Our horoscope is based on our birth on the planet earth but what about the horoscope if we are born on other planets?


It won't be possible for us to start a new habitation on another planet with the same set of beliefs that we are carrying with us on planet earth.

Not only the beliefs, our body too shall undergo certain changes. If someone is living in low gravity throughout his life, he is sure to undergo changes.

It would be very exciting to see how things will change in the coming times.

The skills that we value on earth would become obsolete on another planet. Different kind of education and skills would be required to sustain life on another planet.

Witnessing such change would be a lifetime of experience. A lot of new unlearning will be happening in the coming years, new definitions would dissolve the old ones.

We must get ready for a brand new future.

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