My favorite food.

Following @thealliance's Gobble Gobble Giggidy Gump initiative, I'm going to take the opportunity to make a very different post from the usual ones. Although food is a subject that I'm passionate about, I don't usually write about it because I don't have much knowledge about the culinary world in general.

You will have already deduced that there is no Michellin Star stamped on my apron.

I could say that my favorite dish is rice with lobster or a hamburger with gold leaf but the truth is that I am a pretty simple guy and my favorite food is simple potatoes with scrambled eggs.

Although if you want to pass for professionals you can always say that they are Scrambled eggs with white truffle from Piedmont.

Here is the recipe:

A big potato
A couple of good eggs
a little bit of salt
And olive oil for frying


A mandolin to make the job of cutting potatoes easier.
Fry them in plenty of olive oil.
Once fried, remove the oil and add the eggs.
Stir a little so that everything mixes and eat

PS: Do not use bag potatoes for your health more than anything.

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