Just When Is It Too Hot? What Is The Weather Like Where You Are?

I live in Middle Georgia. It has been hot here for the last few days. I am in the south and I understand it does get kinda warm here during the summertime. The heat index here has been around 110 degrees in the afternoon here. I spent a summer on deployment in Iraq and it was 120 in that desert but the heat here seems like it is much worse. The humidity will stifle you. You walk outside and you are drenched with sweat in a matter of minutes. I am in the woods, can you imagine how hot it is in the concrete jungles of the cities?

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This is a picture of the temp on the A/C in the motorhome I am living in right now. That is with two A/C's running on high and it was just 11 AM, at 3 PM it is at 99 but it only has 2 digits so it has to be over 100 degrees sometimes in the motorhome. I know during the summer we want it to be cooler and during the winter we wish it was warmer. I believe there are just two seasons here right now. One is burning up and the other is freezing! We have a lot to do but when it is this hot you can only be outside for a little while and then inside in the A/C to cool off. Luckily the office mobile home we remodeled is cooler so we all move to that to cool off. How is the weather where you are in this world? Have a good night/day, whatever it is in your neck of the woods! ALWAYS FORWARD!

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