Counter to Counter of my Challenge for Terracore, Challenge your buddy ITs GAME OVER

I am a little busy these days due to so many reasons, I am also stressed just like many other people from India due to the things going on with crypto exchanges recently. We hope to get to a solution soon but hey here I am with a attack roll not for challenging someone but for countering the counter that I got yesterday from the person whom I challenged initially.

So the attack I did got me 14.095 Scraps as you can check in the screenshot below.

My roll percentage for this attack was 83.71% and the counter attack I got was at 83.02% so even though with small percentage I am ahead with my roll.

I think it will be game over for me or for the person I challenged now as I might not be able to create these post for sometime now so in case the challenger wins this time I will leave it to that person. I am happy participating and I look forward to more contest in future.

words on the contest :

The challenge your buddy is the contest for user playing terracore, In this contest you will use a attack of yours and then challenge your buddy from terracore after which your buddy will get 24 hours time to accept the challenge and share his one of the attacks in counter to your first attack.

So that was a small detail about the contest.

To go and read the entire contest you can click on the link below.

I already wished luck to future possibilities so all the best to the challenger in case he/she challenges me further with more attack rolls.

Thank You

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