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The power of 'visualization'!

Visualization is a very powerful success strategy. But it's also less practiced. Because it seems silly to sit and visualize our future. I guess, we all have to approve that visualization can give us a pure idea about 'what gonna happen'. Maybe that will not happen but it gives us the opportunity to prepare ourselves.

Visualization is directly linked with creativity. The more creative our minds are the better we can predict. Or I would say, it a tool to make our mind creative. Because giving time to visualize our future is not actually an easy job. It gives us the power to think every pros and con, we can reevaluate our plan and adapt ourselves to the present situation. The continuous motivation and fuel it needs to visualize our success is the key to make us more powerful.

Our desire created in a meaningful way. We wouldn't get certain things if we don't wish for it. And to do that visualizing is necessary. Let's see how we can do that!

Make your time to think about what would your future look like. If you are working on a project what would be the end result. What do you really want as an output? And if you succeed what you would do? It can be about your relationship or your job. Relax your mind, sit, or think just before bed. Allow yourself to visualize your prediction. And learn to point out all the 'risks' of your future. Most importantly enjoy the process. Make it fun and often do this.

As I was saying what we visualize may not come true. But the joy we get to think about and predict about the great future of us can motivate us to be successful. And that's what matters most!