Mental illness - Break the stigma!

Mental illness is just like any other disease. But in society, it's actually something more than that. I'm not only talking about the society who are still not that progressive but you will find this similar mentality in progressive society too. People don't take it normally if anyone approves that they have a mental illness.



Did you ever felt that we also have some responsibility to break this stigma?

  • Appreciate talking about mental health. You may or may not have any mental issue but make the room for them who have, who want to promote awareness about mental health. Appreciate others if they are talking about mental illness. Help others open up about their personal mental illness. You will never know how much you can help promote awareness through this simple act.

  • Educate yourself as well as others. Mental illness is a hidden topic. It's taught to understand and know if someone close to us is facing this because maybe they will never open up about this. But when you take the step to aware others and yourself too, you will find out what you need to do to help others and others will feel comfortable to open up about it.

  • Change your perspective and others. It's okay to make medicine for mental health just like other diseases. It doesn't make anyone awful or crazy. Show your compassion to others, treat them equally, and make others do the same.



Remember, as long as we don't break the stigma about mental health we will face the same problem if came across any mental illness. So, if it's not for others, it should be for you, for your closest one to take action to break this stigma. This is high time to take active action because you know the number is increasing day by day!

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