What Actions have you taken in your life that led to positive changes? (ecoTrain QOTW)

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Hello Friends, Greetings 🙏😊

I am sure everyone of us have to make certain choices and decisions that would bring positive changes in our lives. But is it that easy? Sometimes even after knowing the ill effects of a habit or action we continue following the same path. But if we really try there are very easy everyday actions that could help all of us bring positive changes in out life as well as the others.

Healthy Eating Habits is such one action that has changed my life completely. It brings so much positive changea in my whole physical and emotional well-being. I had been into too much fast food and excessive sweet beverages, I was an addict to Indian Sweet dishes. Till high school I don't have any idea about health and well-being or I would say I didn't cared. Then I started going to gym, it was a small gym in my hometown, so no professional guidance there, all I did there was just lifting the weights, I had no knowledge of a balanced diet, the importance of high intake proteins, Indian diet is full of carbohydrates and fats and I stick only to it. I continued the gym for almost a year and I quite build some muscles and a bit overweight too. But honestly I was not happy with that shape, there was always a voice inside me saying I don't want this, I need to be better. Anyway I quit going to gym after that. I was back into my typical life routine, eating whatever I got. It was after completing my graduation I started focusing on my health. But this time, I started with daily jogging. Meanwhile I searched about fitness videos, read a lot of articles and gained the knowledge of depth about real body well being and I am grateful that I had learnt that because there are too many myths ikn bodybuilding, everyone focus on just bro science 😂, while actual body science is totally different. Truth is being Healthy from outside, always doesn't mean being healthy from inside.

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Then I started focusing on my internal health and trust me that is really matter alot. I quit excessive eating and junk foods. I completely cut off artificial sugar from my diet, that was very difficult but very much needed. Truth is excessive sugar do much damage to our body than anything. I would strongly suggest to undertake a 21 days no to sugar challenge, that is cutt off artificial sugar from your diet and you will feel amazing results in 21 days. It will do wonders.

Next comes the daily water intake. The most neglected and underrated object. Drink at least 5 litres water everyday, to follow a routine, try water remainder apps, so that you can keep up with water intake. Protein intake is very important for body growth, we mostly intake carbohydrates in our daily life that is important but a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and fat is the key to a healthy living. I replaced my Indian milk tea with green tea, that was my first encounter with green tea and I really hated it then but soon I became accustomed to it and now its a normal tea for me.

Another important advice, avoid sugary beverages, sodas and cold drink. Replace them with coconut water, fresh vegetables and fruit juice or lemon water. Once I was too addicted to cold drinks that I used it finish 500ml coke everyday and soon I was bloated like a balloon, lol. And when I quit all these unhealthy things everything changed. I avoided these at functions, parties too, my friends and family were surprised 😊. But yeah it was totally worth it, just in 3 months I managed it shed a lot of body fat. More important, I started feeling confident and much positive.

I learned it the hard way, 'What you eat, What you Become' and it is really true that body is made into kitchen, not in gym. Health eating habits will stay with us forever and once we get addicted to healthy eating habits, there is no turning back, it will become a good habit.
Understanding the importance of eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle is the best actions I have taken in my life, that definitely led to positive changes in my life.

Eat Healthy and Eat Right. 😊👍

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