What Action Do You Think Needs to be Taken to Combat Climate Change? (ecoTrain QOTW)


It is said that Charity begins at home and so does change begins at home. How easily we ignore and move on our daily life seeing various activities and actions that are cause of concern for climate. We have a premeditated notion that, nothing is going to change, what can I alone do, a single person can't bring the change, Climate change is government's problem etc.

But that's the problem with everyone because everyone blame the other being and expect someone else or the authorities take the first step forward. There are alot of actions needed to be taken to combat the climate change and definitely its not a one man job nor can a single country or organisation can do so. It will take collective efforts of all world and every human being living in it. But Today I will try to bring out some common and little actions that we can definitely achieve on our own and atleast try to bring change from our own lives and our Homes.

"Say No to Plastic Bags"

I am sure everyone have heard and read this slogan many times. Even governments around the world promote it but is it really followed. Still plastics bags are part of our everyday lives, and we all know how indispensable these plastics bags are. For starters, don't use plastic bags if possible, always carry your own cloth or Jute bags with you while going shopping or buying everyday items. Spread the awareness and try to discourage the use of plastic bags.

Save Water and electricity
Water is Precious

Scarcity of water and electricity is common problem in developing and less developed countries. While the ones enjoy sufficient water and electricity supply sometimes don't realize its importance and value, how often we waste water and electricity in everyday living. Even saving a few drops of water everyday could bring great amount of change for future generations. We need to teach our kids the importance of saving water and electricity. We can't rely much on thermal and nuclear sources of energy owing to their negative effects on the climate. Solar Energy should be biggest and main contribution to our energy needs.

**Follow Three R's : Reduce, Reuse and Recycle **

Reduce the use of plastics, carbon emiting substances. I am sure many of you know most of the deodorants, the freon gases, in Air-conditioning appliances have quite an environmental impact. Then comes the automobiles. That's a major reduction we need. Try to use public transport instead of personal vehicle if possible. Try alternatives like Car Pooling, Bicycle, travelling on foot etc, try to minimise the use of personal vehicle for minimum needs, this way you can save fuel costs, health and climate too. Plus you could easily avoid Traffic, lol.

Now comes reuse and recycle. Always be a Maximalist, nothing good comes from showing off. Use and recycle items you think are old. Be Creative and artistic, we can easily reuse non-recyclable products turning them into artistic articles and a showcase in our homes.

Now, last but not the least. Be the voice behind climate change. It's a reality and we can't ignore it for long. I don't mean we need it protest or simply outcast anything. Gain knowledge about climate change, spread the awareness, try to make a eco-friendly living. Spread the concept of eco-friendly living with others. Be a responsible person and realise you duty against the climate change and what we owe of our Earth.

Thank You so much for Reading. Have a Good Day. 😊🙏

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