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Image by: salem-news
The quest for immortality/ eternal youth has been a quest many people , the rich and many scientists has embarked on with zero success yet.
We have all heard of the days of God's, were someone could live for hundreds of years , thousand of years and even a millennium or more. Those were stories we all heard but not withstanding these alot of people have decided to test this theory and haunt for the quest of immortality.
Alot of people doesn't wish to die, they want to live forever and never get old nor die.
This is just a dream that can't come through , unless the cloning we hear about and watch in movies has actually started being a practicality.
Alot of people get rich and when they run of out expensive things to buy , they look back and remember that one day they are going to die and leave all there fortune behind. Then they decide to start investing in science , research that in time might find a cure to death so they can go on living and being in power.
Most even say they want eternal youth, were they don't even age at all.
Researches and huge funds are being pushed into such this project.
Maybe on one side it might be great for us to achieve this quest, but on the other hand there are also countless disadvantages to immortality.
Just imagine for a second if we were all immortals and all the bad guys are still alive and still have the same knowledge they had from over 50 - 60 years ago? Do you think the world would be safer ?
Let's a take a perfect example if Adolf Hitler was still alive maybe the war would still be on till date , who knows ?

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They fail to understand alot of things,

  1. The system wasn't desired for us to live forever, it was designed so we can live and die, other generations will emerge. If we keep giving birth and nobody is dying then one day we might need to find a new planet because the Earth is not going to contain us all.
  2. ***They fail to understand that we were only created and can't be immortals. To every creation there is an expiring date , which is death. You can't play God.
  3. ***We are investments, yes you heard me right. We are our creators investments just we invest in our kids and future , real estate and other investment that we make so our investments can yield something in return. God created us in his image right? He created us for a purpose , which is to serve him. So we trying to outsmart our nature is just going out in the rain without an umbrella and hoping not to get wet.

Alright let's say this project is achieved and legalized, i might want to immortalize myself too and i am pretty sure everybody in earth would do so.
We might be thinking we are doing ourself good and advancing in technologies, messing with powers we possibly can't comprehend most times.

Gradually the planet is already dying, we are busy commiting our lives to the hands of A.I (artificial intelligence) i pray we are not creating our own demons that will bring about our own destruction.

It's human nature to be born, grow and die.
Generation after generation, and if we fail to follow this order? We are going to bring about our own extinction.

Instead of wanting to be a God , we not we try to make the world a better place and put a stop to the slavery, racism and war. So we can all live in peace and harmony.

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