ecoTrain Question Of The Week #20 Launch Post: What is is about music? 🎢 🎻Music is the stimulus of our passions 🎻🎢

Saint Cecilia patron saint of musicians.

This is my entry for the challenge of the week # 20 organized by @ecotrain


Expressing ourselves is a necessity and music is a form of expression of the human soul, with music our aspects are manifested that we cannot often say in words.

In all the peoples of the world and in all ages, music has always been present, especially music along with dance as the most important collective manifestation of humanity.

When we are together with other human beings, sooner or later music always appears, with it we create an atmosphere, we celebrate, we laugh, we interact with people we do not know, we even fall in love, music is one of the most important ways and to interrelate and at the same time it is our most characteristic extensive form.

Exploring the world of animals we do realize that everyone emits sounds to communicate, it cannot be called music properly, although they have a rhythm that is repetitive like the song of birds, on the other hand, in humans, music always evolves with The passage of time and from town to town also becomes different in musical expressions, so we see Brazilian music, pop, American country, jazz, academic music, the music of aboriginal peoples. There is an immense musical variety within the human race.

When I saw that the theme was music, the sensation of movement came to mind, the sounds of the wind, the rain, the stones dragged by the rivers, the chirping of the birds and even my own voice although sometimes it passes from melodious to half hateful.

Music also reminds me of my adolescence, that stage of life full of illusion, love and sadness, because it is inevitable to listen to a song and not hum it and feel joy and fun when the feet go alone to the beat of their rhythm.

Music makes me relive my passions.

I can also say that in situations of great stress, music manages to relax me, moving away from the thoughts that disturb me; the combination of certain melodies have sounds that are pleasant to me and immerses me in a state of peace and tranquility.

I can say that I could not live without music, currently considered music as freedom and personal independence, it makes me relive love and other emotions.

Who is your life does not associate a song or a singer with a specific situation or time that was lived in the past?




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