Trying Not To Judge! - EcoTrain Question Of The Week!

Them and us, how many times I have heard those words come up in a conversation, and my reaction is to always just shut down, because I hate this mentality. How easily some are to divide humanity in to two different camps. As though humans are that easy to understand, as though our opinions and beliefs do not change over time.


It's just all too easy and yet here I am judging those people who do choose to think like that! It really is hard not to separate ourselves from others.

I love to promote the idea of unity, how we could become so much more empowered if we all just came together and saw the power that lies within and allow that power to multiply when we stand together. Right now as we go through this huge transition, we need that unity.

But this last year, I have really struggled with judgement. Both with being judged and with being judgemental towards others. I found it hard, to adjust to this crazy situation that we have been put in, how the world became divided, between those who believed the pandemic and those who saw it as a plandemic.

I have always been a truth seeker and someone that has very little faith in the government, if they say one thing, well I seek out the truth behind it. Yes there we go, being judgemental again, but this is with very good cause, cos I have never found any government that has put it's people first!

Lets be honest, it's all about business at the end of the day and when it comes to our own well being, we do need to do our own research and come to our own conclusions, where yes we do make judgements.


But I never thought I would feel so separated from those who I once considered friends, close friends at that. Where I would judge them, because of what they choose to believe. I didn't want to admit it, but no matter what way I look at it, I am judging them!

Our lives are changing rapidly and we are loosing many of our freedoms and I find it really hard to be around people, who just want to stick their heads in the sand. Who just want to wait until things go back to 'normal'.

No matter what is brought before them, they still hold fast to their beliefs, even the fact that over 97% of those who had covid recovered, that wearing a mask is much more damaging that the actually 'virus itself. That this vaccine that is being pushed on us, is in fact not even a vaccine. All of this info is out there and they do not want to acknowledge it.

On top of that, they just want to continue living their same lives. ( Yes I know, here I am judging others again) Whereas, I am focusing on creating regenerative solutions. Actively meeting up with others to create a better world. These are the people I surround myself with.

I certainly do not feed into the this whole 'Karen' mentality, where others like to insinuate that those who follow the restrictions and who call out on their neighbours, are in fact stupid. I can definitely see how this has worked to segregate us even more. This is a perfect example of how dangerous judgement can be.


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But I do question how so many can be so trusting, so loyal, to their governments and leaders, the same folk/ institutions that have been manipulating and poisoning us for many, many years.

And then there are those, who like to call out others online, who name and shame people for not sticking with the restrictions, not wearing a mask etc. We had one incident in our community. where a women proclaimed that she would run over any one who wasn't wearing a mask whilst in town.

I saw that same women a week later at my neighbour's home, where there was an 'illegal gathering', full of people socializing, none of them were wearing a mask, including herself.

Dare I say it and call her a hypocrite. We all know that some people can get on power trips and as so many of us faced uncertain times, we saw a rise in those who wish to try and dictate what some folk should and shouldn't be doing. Cos what else would they do with all of that free time. ( of course there is loads they could do, right?)

But there I go being judgemental again, something I really do not like to be, but this plandemic has created such a huge divide and I find it hard to find common ground with some folk. I am never rude or unpleasant, but I just do not make much time for this old friends of mine.


I have listened to what they wanted to say to me, of how they see things, but when I wanted to explain my understanding of it all, I was shot right down. They just got really frightened by what I was saying. So what to do, I can't do idle chit chat anymore, I just want to support and be supported. To create a better way forward. This is where, I am focusing my energy!

We can all work towards being less judgemental, I have definitely improved a lot since I get older, but then the plandemic happened and that went out the window lol. Mind you, it would be hard not to judge, especially seeing as it has helped me align with my tribe.

But maybe, I just need to stop being so judgemental about myself and instead recognize that these observations are helping me to connect with other like minded folk.

There is a time and a place for judgement and it does not always have to be attached to something negative. Judging safety, is vital for our survival, it all depends on the context I guess.

And now, as we face this crazy agenda to vaccinate the whole world, we do need to be extra vigilant. We need to educate ourselves and make decisions that will keep us safe. Who am I to pass judgement on what that decision should be, I can only judge for myself and my loved ones, unless I am placed in a situation that puts us at risk!

These are crazy times, who knows where we go from here and how much more we will be segregated. We have to learn to trust ourselves and the judgements we make, because they are what will help us navigate our way through these stormy seas. As long as that judgement comes from within, from our source of power.

We need to really listen to ourselves and let our inner voice guide us, because inside we all know what is right and wrong, we know which direction we need to take!





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