Living In Gratitude - A Walk Through The Seasons - EcoTrain Question Of The Week

Winter chill, I can feel it right in my bones, it makes me feel alive. The crunch of my feet as they make contact with the frozen earth, everything else is silent. This is the time of natures retreat.


A time when she can rest, as the trees bring all their energy down into their roots, as the animals go into a slumber, spending more time resting. We too, are called on to travel deep, deep within ourselves, so that we can also strengthened our roots, make plans for the following year. Now is the time to conserve our energy, to follow the lead of nature, our greatest teacher. To reflect over the year that has past and prepare for the new one, that is about to begin.
Life is a beautiful journey and nature is here to help guide us on our way, we only have to look at what is occurring in each season, allowing ourselves to become insync with each of them. To slow down and observe our surroundings
As Spring returns and the days begin to get longer, we now get to feel the sun more upon our skin, inviting us to bring our visions to realization. To plant the seeds that we incubated over the cold winter months. Just as the plant kingdom is doing. each season is an invitation to connect more with ourselves, with nature.
I love in Spring, how green everything is, how potent and full of life. A beautiful expression of vitality, of how rich the earth is. Witnessing the flowers in bloom, acknowledging the sap rising in the trees, hearing the sky full of bird song. Our senses are alive.


Summer arrives and we are called to get out of buildings, to go explore the wild. To be spontaneous and experience how fertile life really is. Now is all about manifestation, through the thoughts you think and the words your speak. Now is the time to actively walk towards the life that you want.


We are surrounded by abundance, open the door to it and allow it to flow into your life. Come together with your friends, your community and create change. Now is the time to do it, to live out your trees, as the force of life, is at it's highest. Just listen to the birds and the insects, you will hear how active they are. Now is the time to follow suit.

Let life, continue to flow, as we welcome in the Autumn, the time of the great harvest, where we get to reap what we have sowed. To enjoy the fruits of our labor, in every sense of the word.The seed heads are bursting on the plants, the fruits are beginning to swell and it is a time of great abundance once again.


Now is the time to express our gratitude , to give thanks to the earth, to our friends and our community. Now is the time to forage and to connect with the wild once again. To take walks as the wind blows and the temperature drops. To connect with the wild within and without.


We are nature, and nature is us, we are all connected. We show our gratitude by how we choose to live, by the many choices that we make. Lets make choices that nurture the earth, because by doing this we are nurturing ourselves. To live more consciously and abundantly.


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