A Trip To The Garden Centre, Ends Up, With Me Rescuing A Cat

When I returned to Spain on Thursday night, me and my girls got quite a shock when we exited the airport. After leaving behind a cool and wet Ireland, we suddenly walked into a sauna! It has taken me a few days to acclimatise to the heat here. Today it has been 37 degrees Celsius. But I needed to go into town to get some supplies and luckily for me, my neighbour happened to be heading that way, so I didn't need to walk.


After picking up some supplies, we headed to the garden center. I wanted to get some herbs and a few more tomato plants and peppers. Which I succeeded in, as you can see from the photo above. I am just waiting for it to cool down so that I can plant them out. My neighbour, wanted to check out some indoor plants, so she went into the greenhouse.


After a few minutes she came out to tell me that their was a barely alive kitten in there. I went to investigate, as she went to speak to the staff to see who owned it. This poor creature, was so under weight and had a severe eye infection, which you can see from the pictures. I am not sure what state the eye is really in, but it was completely clouded over.


The staff had no idea where the cat came from and didn't seem very interested in helping it. So I scooped her up. She was all bones and I could see that she also had a cut under her eye, which ran down to her mouth. She was clearly half starved and dehydrated. I brought her home and put her in a cat box that I was able to borrow.


I also happened to have some dried eyebright in my medicine cabinet, which I made into an infusion and began to clean her eyes with. You can see the leaves and the infusion up above. I also began giving her some water with a syringe. After a while she was drinking by herself and ate some tuna. At one point she was even cleaning herself. Which I took as a really good sign.


Then there was the issue of keeping her cool, because as the day progressed it kept getting hotter. A great trick, especially if you live in a place that is a little windy, is to wet a thin fabric and hang it at your door. So when the wind blows through , it creates cool air inside. So I took this idea, that I have used in my truck successfully and wet a thin scarf and hung it over the front of her box. Within seconds the air inside was considerably cooler.

I hate having to keep her in the box, but she is so scared and right now, she really needs to rest. At the moment she is sleeping, although she is unable to close the infected eye fully. I am waiting to see how she does over night, so anyone who wishes to send over some healing vibes this way, please do, as it would be very much appreciated.

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