Ecotrain Question of the Week #20: Music brings Healing

Sometimes, I wonder how the world would have been without music. Boring as you would agree with me. Imagine going to a party or ceremony and there is nothing like music. The event would be so dry and less fun. But thanks goodness, there is music and it has various advantages to each of us respectively.


Someone might ask, "what is music?" I'd say that music is the art of combining sounds in a manner that is pleasing and appreciable to the ears. Implying that if it doesn't please the ears then it is mere noise. Oftentimes, people make noise unknowingly in the name of music. To me, when the lyrics of a song/ music makes no meaning/sense, then it is noise.

Away from that, music has affected my life in more ways than one. There have been several instances where listening to good music has saved me from worry, depression, sadness and moodiness. Also, music has a way of healing our brokenness and pain. Music has the power to take away worry and anxiety thereby installing happiness and joy within. Good music also brings to us good messages and motivations.

Music heals..
I remember when I lost my mom early 2017, I was so broken and hurting. You know how painful it can be losing a loved one. I cried and cried my eyes out, people came to console but it didn't touch me. So, one of those nights while sitting alone in my room, a song was played over the radio and it seemed as though they were singing it to me.

The title of the song is "Never lost my praise." written by Kurt Carr. The song really got to me so, I listened and that was what consoled me and encouraged me to move on with life. The message in the song is that irrespective of who we may lose in life, we should not stop praising God. We should not be weighed down or discouraged as everything happens for a reason.

Similarly, I am one that get mood swings quite often. Sometimes, I just sit down and some thoughts will run through my mind causing me to be moody and sad but once I open my boom player and start listening to some music, my mood gets to be lighted up again.

Another song that motivates me is the song title "Like You" by Tatiana. In this piece, she encourages us to stay unique and always be ourselves. She tells us that no one can be like you except you. She also encourages us to work and not depend on people.

Music aids my studying..
Another thing music does for me is that is it facilitates my studying. I get to assimilate things more while reading when I listen to some cool music with my headset. Especially, when solving mathematics, music enhances the process. I know it might be different for some persons.

Music brings happiness
Generally, music gives me happiness and this makes me listen to music most of the time. No matter how sad a person may be, the moment he starts listening to music, he'll definitely start shaking his body either consciously or unconsciously.

I love good music and my best genres are gospel and blues. So, if you are one that doesn't listen to music, start doing so now.

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