How does one know of their friend is toxic ?

Greetings everyone !

I hope you all are in good health . I discovered about the ecotrain community a few days back , found it interesting . This is my first post in the community!!

So how do you know if people around you are toxic ?


You are encircled by snakes rather than friends !
After reading a bunch of articles on the internet i am here to rant 😂

Plus i guess i have figured that it's not that easy to tell if they're toxic or it's you ?
You have to spend a considerable amount of time with a person to know that if they're toxic or not !

Anyway's i think one of my good friends might be toxic . I have been friends with her since school.

I started noticing it when i got in college .

  1. She never gave me genuine compliments . I realized she always gave me backhanded compliments. For her she was an over achiever and my accomplishments were always below her accomplishments.

2 . She body shamed me. I was already an insecure teenager back then and she added to my insecurities by body shaming me on multiple occasions and sometimes when i would confront her , she would laugh it off as a joke.

3 . She would never be really there for me and would emotional dump on me from time to time. Her problems were always bigger. Whenever i needed her to hear me , she would tell me to get over myself.

4 . She never liked my other friends and would say mean and horrible things about them . It was always her verses everyone else .

I know we all have are reasons for being the way we are but what if your self esteem has hit rock bottom because of this particular friend ? What would you do ?

Have a great day!!
Sending love and light 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️

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