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Ecotrain QOTW || Being a parent and loving your kid

I think its fair to say that most people who have had children will describe it as a life-changing event. It is one that brings incredible joy, stress, and teaches us the real meaning of unconditional love.

This is so true! 1 year back when someone used to tell me this, I felt like telling them "You are crazy, get a life." But now that I am experiencing it on my own, I can vouch for it, it's a different feeling, you can't have it if you don't have kids. It's something that makes you happy and sad at the same time, but the enjoyment that comes out of it is what makes it a worthwhile experience.

I think it's a great topic to talk about, being a new parent there is so much to share. I am going to be very fair while writing this post.

Things that are amazing about kids

  1. They are natural and pure. It's such a nice age, there are no negative feelings or thoughts. You just say what you have in your mind and that's the ultimate truth. You make something for them and they puke which means you have done a disaster (my husband would still say "Baby this is amazing!" but when th child pukes on it, I know how amazing it is, LOL.
  2. They have this cute smile which is to die for. When they smile, as a parent, you feel stress-free. They make you smile even when you are not in the mood. You look forward to each day for that smile.
  3. No stress at all. Childhood is a stage when you don't need to study or worry about paying your bills or your salary getting delayed. You just play, play and play. And then there are times when they are hurt but they don't even know it. They are busy eating chocolates while the parents are worried and crying. Like my son right now, his nail is chipped off and is hanging at the edge. He is all haha and gaga all the time, playing and dancing and we are after him to ensure he doesn't end up hurting it even more.
  4. They get to poop and pee anywhere and everywhere they want and they don't even have to clean it. Seriously like this happens, I change the sheets and he pees on it, as if he likes the fresh ones, LOL.
  5. They reflect you. When you see them, you get to see yourself in another human being. Everything they do resonates with you or your partner in some or another way and it's a great feeling.

Things that are amazing about parenting

  1. You become a child again. When we play with our children, we get to relive our own childhood. Who otherwise plays with a ball at the age of 31 or watch twinkle twinkle little starts, right?
  2. You explore the giving and selfless side of you. Being a parent means a lot of sacrifices and compromises. You allow them to kick you, bite you, pull your hair, sometimes break your expensive stuff too. You give your share of cake and wafers to them, make them eat first no matter how hungry you are. You would not do that for anyone else in life.
  3. You learn things for your child. Some mothers don't know how to cook, but they learn it for them, we learn poems to teach them, we learn crafts to guide them. So a lot of new learnings for the parents which otherwise would have never been in the picture.
  4. That constant joy of surprise, you wait for them to crawl, sit and then walk. We long for their new activities and behavior. That giggle, holding your finger, and walking are some real priceless moments.
  5. You get to make a good human being. After all, the child learns everything from his parents. And if you end up with a smart, talented, confident, humble, and respectful child, you have done real good for yourself and society.

Parenting is not easy, it comes with its own set of challenges and hurdles and there is no definition to being a good parent. No matter how much you do for your child, you will see someone doing it better. But you can't help it. All you need to do is understand and accept the fact that each parent wants the best for their child, always.

Being a child is easy, having one is not. This is an honest view. But no matter how difficult and challenging it is, it's a must to have experience.