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Green Army : My Farming Days

Green has always been aovely colour. Something that gives a nice vibes and make you feel better. This is what I experince looking at the small leafy army on my field.

Standing inches from the ground and looking very fresh are actually the paddy seeds that is growing as a nice sapling.

It was a wonderful sight looking at the entire pastures as it gives a nice view of the field that turn the ploighed field into Green pastures of land. Having a good sapling means a good yield in farming too. That why the sighting of small paddy does make a farmer happy. And I felt the same.

However, what looks to be Green doesn't always gives us a complete picture. A farmer happiness depends upon my factors and rainfall is what makes the farming easy. But looking at the barren at the torn patches on my fields does gives a sense of emergency.

It's been 4 days since we had rainfall in our area and that is a point of concern considering, rain is must to sow these Green sapling and also it will allow to sustain the life of these Green leaf paddy.

About a week ago, the condition was totally different. We had enough rain and fields were wet enough to sow these paddys seeds.

The water logged fields give a farmer a lot of hope for this year. As sowing a seed and then farming is what keep them immense happiness. Looking at the wet fields no one would have thought of bad days.

And after such a Green growth is sapling, every farmer in my area are getting more hopeful for good farming season. However the shortage of rain in last of couple of days does make them unhappy. But the Green sighting in the open fields does give them some happy moment.

This is how a farmer life goes on. They have the happiness after some hard work and after the blessing of rain God if there won't be anybrain in next few days than definitely the paddy sapling will going to die and that would push the farmer to great losses (including me).

While heavy rainfall has lashes many cities across India, we as a farmer still praying to get few drop on our field to keep these little sampling alive. Hopefully the situation won't get too worst.


Namaste @steemflow