Summer garden update - Sweet potatoes

The vines and leaves of this plant has become more vigorous, we are seeing warm soil temperatures now and the spuds are off to grow as fast as they can right now. It has been getting warm, but hot enough to make the leaves droop yet. Every summer we get days in the 90s to 100s that cause the plant to droop during the hottest part of the year, but we are not quite there yet. It really does not slow them down much. They just take a break during the hottest part of the day and then go back to being happy by the early evening, through the next morning and then get cooked again.

The leaves seem to be getting chewed on more this year by some bug. I just hope nothing is eating the spuds underground. We found some critter sized chunks taken out of our harvest. Only a couple but still annoying.

I am still eating sweet potatoes from last years harvest. I think I will have enough to get me a whole year of eating if my harvest is anything like last years.

Looking forward to the flowers forming, should be soon. I hear its rare for sweet potato flowers to form, but for whatever reason its quite common on mine.

Every day I have to go outside and route some stray vines back into the the raised beds I am growing them in. Its something that just happens as they try to sprawl out. So being half way through the year with these, I will let them keep growing well into the fall. And only dig them up when the freezing weather is on the way in.

A bee visits my shoulder as I am doing the video. See the animation below.

As I am wrapping up the video, a bumble bee or carpenter bee comes over and rests on my arm. It was quite in unexpected, normally wild bees do not come near me. But this one seemed to be more friendly than most. I was not expecting that.. lol

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